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       I sit alone at lunch, looking around the cafeteria. Krist and I are not longer friends. The way he broke up with me probably the worst way ever. Even though it was my first break up, I know it will probably be forever embedded in my memory because of hurtful it was.


       After I read the text message from Krist, I feel my heart sink to the pit of my stomach. What could he possibly need to talk about? Am I doing something wrong in this relationship? I didn't think I was. Then again, this is the first relationship I've ever been in, so anything could go wrong and I probably wouldn't suspect it.

       After a minute I aw the text message, my phone vibrates in my hands, and shows a picture of Krist with "CALLING" underneath the picture.

        "Hey, Tee, uh, I'm sorry to this over the phone, but I think we should take a break."

       My heart felt like it shattered into a million, tiny pieces. Tears rim my eyelids, fighting to fall down my cheeks. My lungs felt like they shrunk because of the short breathes I'm taking.

        Did Krist really just say he wanted to take a break with me? What did I do wrong? Did krist just use me like how toys with all the other girls? But I thought we were working out so well. What happened actually?

       "What do you mean a break? I thought everything was good," I say, nearly a whisper as tears try to escape from my eyelids.

       "Tee, it means we should stop dating. Please don't be upset," He sighs over the speaker.

       "B- But," I stutter and bite my lower lips. "We can get through it, can't we? Krist, I think I lo-" I get cut off by his voice booming through the speaker.

       "Tee! I don't like dick, alright? Get that through you head!" After he yelled that, he hung up just like that.

        I stayed locked in the bathroom, crying for almost an hour. All I could think about is what I did wrong to make Krist dump me out of the blue.


        I rest my head on the empty lunch table and take deep breaths, trying to calm myself. I have no friends. Krist told someone that I forced him in the relationship and I guess the rumor got around. Now, in this school, I'm been look like some sick gay freak. (Well, thanks to you Krist, you asshole!) What did I deserve this to be happened?

        Tae isn't bothering me because of his new girlfriend. She's so clingy and it's only been a day or so. Tae isn't even acknowledging me anymore. Where has my older brother gone?

        All I ever think about now is all of my faults. Maybe if I never told Tae anything, Then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. I would still have Krist as a friend, Tae and I would still have a close relationship, I wouldn't have known that I'm adopted or any of the twists that has been happening in my life. Everything would have been normal if I just never asked Tae that one stupid question.

        Can you kiss me?

        Why did those four words ever have to leave my mouth? Everything is ruined by now and I can't change anything about it.

        "Tee? Why are you sitting here all alone?" I hear a deep voice come from behind me.

         I look up, and turn around. "Oh, it's just you," I sigh and lay my head back on the table.

         Of course it's Tae. For some odd reason, he always checks up on me whenever I'm alone. I wonder what goes through his mind just thinking about me. I sure hope it's good things about me.

        "You didn't answer my question, baby brother," I mumble and turn my head to face away from him.

        "Where's Krist, though? Didi you guys have a fight or something?" He asks and places a hand on my back.

         I feel light electric feelings stinging my back where Tae placed his hand. I still hate having these feeling about him. It's not that it's embarrassing, it's that it makes me feel like I die every time because I know that Tae and I will never be together.

         "I could ask the same thing about your girlfriend," I mutter and shift around uneasily, making Tae remove his hand from my back. "Beside, when did you ever start caring about Krist's and my relationship?"

        "Well, she's just off talking with her friends. And because I felt like that since we're both dating people, then I could be nice about you dating Krist. So, tell me what's wrong." Tae says softly as he eases himself closer to me.

        Is he actually being genuine? I doubt it. How would I ever know if he is or isn't? He never changes his tone of voice whenever we have different conversations about completely different subjects. Maybe I should tell him anyways. It's that so bad saying that Krist and I broke up. It's only my first break up, I'll have many more in life. So, why should this one matter so much?

        "We broke up, it's nothing to worry about," I sigh and sit up my seat without making any eye contact with Tae. If I did, then he would know that I'm broken on the inside and he will try to do whatever to make me feel better or worse in this situation.

        "Oh," He frowns and wraps his arms loosely around my waist, "I'm sorry that happened to you, Tee. You guys are still friends, right?"

        "Far from it," My voice was barely audible after the answer left my mouth.

         Why am I taking this so much to heart? It's not like Krist and I have been dating for a year and we broke up. It was like over a week relationship. It's not even that long. Who cares if I broke up, right?

        "Well, once class is over and we get home, I will definitely make you feel ten times better," Tae smirks and pecks me on the cheek.

         I feel my face get warm, my stomach doing flips, my heart racing, and my skin forming goose bumps. What's that supposed to mean? Tae's probably bluffing.

        "Wh - What about Melon?" I ask as Tae gets up from his seats, still smirking down at me.

        "I'll just tell her that I have to study for a test. Don't worry, it will only be us together," He winks and struts away from me, going over to Melon.

          Obviously my day just got better. I can't wait until the class is over. 

To be continued...

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