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   Tae's lunch break came with within a half an hour of being at his work, so he decided to take me to a Subway near by his and Prae's work. He hasn't said much after I arrived, maybe that's okay. He's probably just busy with work and all that and shouldn't get distracted with me being around.

   "So," I start saying as we sit down about to eat our sandwiches, "I just want to ask you something if you don't mind."

   "And what's that?" Tae says and begins eating.

   "How  long have you been working there?"

   "Well over a month I guess."

   I nod and look away from him. Tae kept his job secret away from me for over a month? But, there's no reason why he had to. I mean, it's not a bad thing that he's working and whatnot, nut did he think that I would have stopped him?

   "Why didn't you tell me about you start working?" I ask meekly, just staring at the food.

   "I didn't think it was important," Tae says with a mouthful, not even sounding as he cares about his career or new adult life.

   "But, how is it not important to you? It's about you getting a job Tae," I state in a serious tone. Asking these question almost seem as if I'm sad, but, I'm not really sad, it just hurt.

   "Man, why do you ask so many questions in the same time? Why do ask a lot of questions, huh?" He snaps and glares at me. "You know, I don't have to tell you everything right on the spot." Geez!

   What was that out burst? He's never snapped at me before... Why is he acting like this way and so distant like he wants me away? What did I do wrong? I just surprised him and I thought he would be happy... but he doesn't even seem that happy.

   "I was just curious, that's why I ask," I say quietly and slouch in the chair.

   Tae lifts his eyebrows as if he's not amused and keeps eating his lunch. I don't even touch my food. The feeling that develops in my stomach won't allow me to eat. Just knowing that I've made Tae upset kills me on the inside. I hate this and making mistakes or anything that could cause anybody to feel negative.

   "Aren't you going to eat? You can't just be throwing money out the window you know, Tee," Tae sighs as he leans over to throw his food away in the trash can.

   "I'm sorry," I pick at the sandwich, but I just can't bring myself to eat it.

   "Just stop trying, Tee." He growls and grabs what I had and throws it away.

   I shoot my eyes at him and just hang my mouth open. "Are you serious? Why would you do that? You told me not to throw away money."

   "We can talk later," Tae gets up from his seat and heads out the doors from the shop we went to.

   Wait, what?

   I follow immediately behind and once we step out the doors, I grab on to Tae's hand, but he instantly pulls his hand away from me. Why is he doing this do me? What have I done that was so bad that made Tae so frustrated with me?

   "This isn't you, Tae," I mutter sourly and stop walking. "This isn't really you and you know it very well it isn't you."

   He doesn't say anything at first. Then, he just stops walking. My hopes start gaining in my chest. Maybe he'll apologize for being mean and then we'll hug and kiss and go back to our normal day. Yes, that is exactly how it should be played.

   Tae closes his eyes and takes a slow even breath. "We'll talk when I get home, Tee. Go find Prae, but you can't come back to the my work place until I say so, got it?"

   Before I response left my mouth, Tae went back in to walking alone, not even looking back at me. He just left me standing in the parking lot. But....why?

   That wasn't supposed to be happen. We shouldn't have to have a serious talk when I see him home. We shouldn't be yelling at each other for no good reason. He shouldn't have left me me alone. We should be together. We should be hugging and kissing and having a good time and he could show me around his work.

   Why isn't this like a fairy tale? I've always known that Tae is my knight, but, not now, Now, he's acting like a stubborn prince. What has gotten to him lately.

   I just want to be with Tae.... 

   I walk over to the store where I saw Prae enter after she dropped me off at the front building. Hopefully I can find her and tell her what happen and she could take me home or something of the sort.

   As I get in, an employee comes up to me and smiles, "what can I do for you today?"

   "Can you get me Prae?"

   "Of course." The employee said.

   A few minutes after she pressed the radio button to get Prae, Prae came to where I am with a questioning look on her face. "Hey, Tee, is everything alright?"

   I shake my head and tell her the story about what happened when Tae saw me and we had a little argument at lunch. It actually wasn't so hard to tell her. Prae didn't seem so stunned by the fight we had earlier. She actually listened to me and comforted me by giving me a hug and offering me a ride home. Of course I accepted and couldn't thank her anymore for her letting me vent to her.

   "Thank you again, Prae. Sorry if I put you into any trouble," I smile nervously as I hop out of her Honda.

   "No trouble at all," she smiles. Remember, you have my number, so call me if you need anything, alright?"

   I nod and say, "don't worry, I will," and get the spare key out and into the apartment, going straight to the bedroom. Now, all I have to do is figure out about this talk Tae wants to have with me once he gets home from work...

   Beside, all couples go through fights once in a while, right?

   What am I going to do?

To be continued...

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