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          Happy birthday, Tae! My mom, dad, and I chimed in when Tae stepped through the front door close around five o'clock.

          Surprisingly, it's Tae's twenty three birthday. Since it's on Saturday, he decided to spend the day here at home, and tomorrow he's inviting all hi friends to his apartment - including me, that's of course.

         I couldn't help but feel a little pained saying 'happy birthday' to him. I don't know why.

         During the couple of months we have been dating, I turned twenty one. The only reason why I didn't mention it was because there was no reason to. Nothing happened on my birthday. Sure, I got couple of presents from my mom, dad and Tae, and a birthday cake, but nothing happened. It pretty much felt like normal day. (Perhaps I'm adopted I guess)

        So, now I'm twenty one - years - old while Tae is Twenty three - years - old - and its really count as adult.

       "Thanks, you guys," Tae smiles, but more at me than either of our parents.

       "Oh! Since we paid for getting your apartment, we just decided that we would like to take you out for dinner. Oh, but Tee got you a present!" Mom nuzzles my arm while smiling brightly.

       "You did, Tee?" Tae grins down to me. "What did you get me?"

       I bite my lower lip and look down at the bag I'm holding that contained Tae's present. What I got him is pretty lame or stupid you can say, but I didn't know what else to get for him. I kind of felt sentimental at this point in our relationship, so I wanted to get him something that he could probably understand, if that makes any sense.

       I hold out the bag towards him, handing it over to him. Once he grabs it, he looks at me, smiling widely. But, I give him a look like, 'don't open that now' look. His smile instantly vanished, but nods.

      "Thank you, I think I'll open this tonight."

      Without anymore conversation, Mom and Dad decided it was time we should go to the restaurant for Tae's birthday dinner. Tae and I sat in the back of the car, holding hands behind the present I got for him. We just stayed silent as Mom and Dad talked.

       I wonder if Mom and Dad will bring any conversation up about relationship with Tae and I. I wonder if they can see our hands laced together. I wonder if they think it's weird that I go over to Tae's house everyday after class. This sure will be interesting dinner.

       We arrived at the restaurant after what seemed like ten minutes of driving. Tae and I go of our hands and followed Mom and Dad inside the building, still not saying anything to each other. Occasionally, I would sneak a glance at Tae, and he always kept his usual smirk on. I couldn't help but feel so warm and fuzzy or something inside of me whenever I saw him. There's something just so mesmerizing about him.

      "So," I decided to break the silence between Tae and I. "How does it feel being Twenty three now?"

      "Feels the same like how I was seventeen," He chuckles and pulls out my chair for me to sit in.

      I smile to thank him for being such a gentleman like, which made him grin even more. Mom, Dad and Tae all took their seat, and then started going over the menu.

      While I was reading, Tae began nudging his knee against mine. I looked over to him, and he just winked, and looked back his menu. What on earth is he thinking? Why is he acting like this?

       "So, dear, how' the new apartment? I've never asked," Mom flicks her eyes at Tae, smiling widely.

      He shrugged, "It's alright, I guess. I just have to get used to being on my own from now on."

     "Splendid! Isn't this just great, honey?" Mom asked enthusiastically, looking over to Dad.

     "Fantastic," Dad murmured, squinting down at the menu.

     "What do think, Tee?"

     I look at her cautiously, hoping to not have any words slip out about what Tae and I do at his new apartment. "If he's happy, I'm happy for him too," I say blatantly. How cheesy was that?

     "Great, this is just great!"

      While still looking over the menus, Tae coughs, catching everyone attention off guard and looks at him. "Tee and I have something to tell you guys," he says slowly, obviously nervous.

      Wait, Tae isn't planning on telling Mom and Dad about our relationship, is he? He can't be. When Mom came home that one day when we were making - out on the couch, she scolded us for even thinking to be in a relationship with each other. Tae must be planning some sort of joke. 

       Before he says anymore, he pulls out his phone and begins text messaging to somebody. I look down and over to see who it was, and it was Prae's caller ID. Before he sent the message, I saw something like, "I'm going to need you to pick up Tee and I up from the diner on Fourth Avenue," and then he sent the message.

       Oh my god, he really is planning on telling Mom and Dad about us, if he wasn't, then why would he send a message to Prae about picking us up from the restaurant? What can possibly be going through Tae's mind right now?

       "What is that?" Both Mom and Dad say in unison.

       "We're boyfriends."

       He just blurts it out without any second thought. My whole body froze, but felt like I was on fire. We didn't even talk about telling Mom or Dad any of the stuff between us. What would he just do that now and on his birthday? Was that even a surprise?

       "You got jokes, son." Dad laughs nervously.

       "It's no joke," Tae sighs and grabs my hand. "We really are dating. We have been in relationship for the past couple of months."

       I keep my mouth shut and my eyes locked on Tae. I don't understand why Tae is just telling them all of this now. Why would he even think about telling Mom and Dad our relationship?

      "No, we've had his talk before, remember?" Mom said through her gritted teeth and loocked back to her menu. "You two are strictly not allowed to be in a relationship. You hear that?"

      "Loud and clear, but we aren't going to do anything about it," Tae says nonchalantly and stands up, bringing me along with him. "We're going back to my home. Call us when you're ready to talk."

      Before we heard any response, coming from Mom and Dad, Tae stormed us out of the restaurant to the car, getting out his present, and leaning against the building wall, with me right beside him the whole time.

      I stare up at him like he's an insane person. "What is your right mind made you think it was a good time to tell them about us?"

     "Why should I jeep secret about loving you?" Tae whispers, pulling me close to him, kissing me tenderly.

       All my of my feelings exploded, all of the anger and confusion I have towards Tae have disappeared. I'm actually content with him, happy that we're going to go back to his apartment instead of sitting at a boring dinner.

      Tae slightly pulls away from the kiss, smirking, "This is probably the best birthday I've had in ages."

To be continued...

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