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       After a few minutes later of waiting outside with Tae, a red Honda Civic pulls up in front of us. "Finally, she's here."

      Once we walked up to the car, I saw Prae in the driver's seat and another girl in the passenger side. Maybe that's her girlfriend that Tae told me about. She sure looks about my age, but the nose piercings she has makes her look slightly older. She's actually cute.

      Tae helped me into the car, and he hopped in after me. "Thanks again for coming to pick us up," Tae comments as she begins driving away from the restaurant and in the direction most likely to their apartment.

    "Yeah, thank you so much, Prae," I say meekly, worrying if I'm speaking out of turn, if that's possible.

   "Don't mention it," Prae says sweetly. "Oh, and Tee, this is Lolly, my girlfriend," she points to the girl in the passenger seat. "Lolly, Tee is Tae's boyfriend."

    Lolly turns around and glances at me, flashing me a smile, "Pleased to meet you Tee."

    I take a look at her closely, nearly squinting my eyes since of the darkness in the car. Some of Lolly's swept over her right eye because of her bangs. Her big hazel eyes sparkles as they laid on me. Her skin was pale, but not like a ghostly pale, more attractive. Wow! She's indeed beautiful.

   "Same," was all that left my mouth, dryly. I really am speechless, why do I feel this way?

    Wait, am I actually considering liking her? No, no, no, and no. I have Tae. I'm in love with him. Why would I ever be in love with this girl that I don't even know? It would never happen. It will never happen. That's it.

   Beside, what could I have from her that I can't get from Tae right? Nothing. I love Tae, and he loves me. I don't need anything from this girl. Well, maybe a friendship won't hurt.

   "We're home," Prae's voice chimed through the car, parking it in the parking lot of the apartment complex.

    We all go out of the car one by one, then going into their apartment. But, Tae kept a close hold of his present that he still hasn't opened.

  "Alright, since it's your birthday, Tae.. Lolly and I will be in the living room and you and Tee will be in bedroom, sound good? Great!" Prae squeals as we enter the apartment.

   Before anybody replied to Prae, Tae grabbed my wrist and quickly dragged me to the bedroom with him. He sure seems eager about something. Maybe it's that wretched present that's int he bag that I got for him.

   Once we got into the room, I sat on the bed as he closed the door. "So, is it alright that I open my present now?" He offers a teasing grin at me, making my stomach churn.

  "Well, it is your birthday. I just didn't want you to open it in front of Mom and Dad," my cheeks heat up and he peaks inside the bag.

 "Oh? is it that kinky?" Tae winks and sits next to me on the bed.

 "N-No!" I stammer and run my hands through my hair. "It's not like what you think-"

 "Hey, hey, I was kidding," He chuckles lightly as he sticks his hand in the bag, getting the present that is placed in it.

   My heart hammers in my chest as my skin feels like it boiling. My cheeks are on fire, showing off bright red color. I don't understand why I'm so nervous about Tae opening the present I got him. Well, I didn't get him anything. This came from my heart, and I wanted him to see this. I've wanted him to see this for a very long time. Ever since I finally admitted to myself that I really fell for Tae.

   So, I shouldn't be so nervous about this. This is a good thing that I'm actually opening up to him.

  "Tee," Tae says quietly, looking down at the present that was in the bag. "Are-.. are you sure that you want me to read this?"

    I look over at him holding the stack of papers that are clipped together. biting my lower lip, I nod and look down at my lap.

   The present that he received from me were notes; notes about him that I didn't rip up because I like rereading them so many times. I can't believe that I actually didn't tear them apart when I still had chance. Well, it could be a good thing that Tae could read them know and finally understand what I thought about him before we became what we are now.

   Silence fills the room, most likely suspecting that Tae is reading over the letters. Occasionally, the sound of shuffling papers would cover the quietness, then disappear as he began to read the next and the next one.. and the next one.. and...

  "Tae did the cutest thing ever today," He reads off one of the letters. "I can't explain it to myself  because it was pretty much him being himself. What more could I ask for?" He slightly chuckles at the end.

    I groan and begin to tremble in the embarrassment of hearing what I wrote a long time ago.

  "You really thought these things about me, Tee?" Tae asks quietly, almost as if he were pain to say it out loud.

  "I still think of them, if that makes sense," I blush and scratch the back of my neck nervously.

     Silence again and more paper shuffling. I'm sure that I didn't have that many letters. Why would I? I thought I left in at the most of ten letters or so. What could all the shuffling mean?

  "Tee, I-... I love you so much," he places his hand on my cheek, turns me to face him, and kisses me deeply.

    I nearly melt into his arm and hug. I never heard him say that phrase like that with such... sincerity... and lust... and passion...

    That truly hit me. I finally understand everything now. Tae loves me and he means it.

To be continued...

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