20•Truth Will Come Out

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•please leave comments or reviews! They make my day! I can't believe this story has over 800+ reads! That's means so much to me. This chapter is extremely important- in fact you might meet a character that is crucial to the development of this story! Enjoy!"

*Elizabeths POV*

"You wait here." I say as I start getting out of Alex's Jeep. We're parked in front of Denny's the only Pizzeria in town. And I'm pretty sure we're parked illegally.

"Mhmm...wait." Alex pulls me in for a kiss, a slow one. He starts to pull away, but I tighten my grip on his shoulder.

"Don't you have to go get Pizza?" He whispers against my lips.

I sigh. "Fine..."

The airs chilly as I walk toward Denny's. Not surprisingly since it's always cold in Allen wood. But as I enter the Pizzeria the warmth from the ovens, unfreeze my limbs.


The voice belongs to Jay, and I smile at the familiar face. Jay's the best basketball player in our high school. He's already been scouted by several universities, offering him a full athletic Scholarship. However he's ego isn't annoyingly huge like the rest of the jocks at school. He's humble and kind, and his chocolate skin and gorgeous eyes make every girl in school swoon, including me at one point. 

"Hi! Um can I have a large pizza, half pepperoni and half Pineapple?"

Jay cringes and I laugh. "I know! But Alex likes Pineapple! I don't really get it..."

Jay chuckles deeply as he taps on the register. "Your totals $5.98."

I hand him a few bills, putting the change in the tip jar.

He helps prepare the Pizza with another coworker, spreading tomato sauce on the white dough, and crumbling bits of mozzarella cheese on top. It takes a few minutes but when he finishes he hands me a warm pizza box, that smells wonderful, even if it does have Pineapple on top.

"Thank you." I smile. I turn to walk away, but Jay stops me.

"Wait- this is my card, my numbers on the back - if you need anything tonight just call and I'll deliver."

"Oh- thanks." I take the business card from his hand, and that's when I see it. The number sprawled on the back.

My mind flashes back to when I went though Alice's things. Didn't she have a card from Denny's? It had dried all weird, but the number on the back was still sharp and clear.

Alice was with Jay that night she died.

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