21•Secret Keeper

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•Oh guys! I'm so excited for the the upcoming chapters!!! Thank you guys for all the support and Wonderful comments! They make my day! A lot is gonna happen in the next few chapters so if anything confuses you- please comment it! Also just warning in advance- there will be one chapter with a 13+ rating- I will let you know before the chapter starts•

*Alex's POV*

I got a text from Elizabeth telling me to come inside the Pizzeria. That it was an emergency. I put my car in park- even though I wasn't allowed too, and ran inside- the worst going through my head.

When I got inside however everything looked calm. Lizzie was holding the Pizza box while the Employee who I recognized as Jay, from the basketball team was standing at the register. 

"Hey-" I notice Lizzie's quivering lip. "-what happened?"

Lizzie turns to Jay, "You were with Alice the night she died."

Jay shakes his head, rolling his eyes. "How many times do I have to-" It seemed as if they had been having this conversation long before I entered.

"I don't believe you!" Lizzie says shaking feverishly. It's not like Lizzie to burst out in rage like this. Usually it's me.

"Why? Why do you think I was with Alice?" Jay says exasperated.  He runs a hand through his short hair nervously.

"I found this card- with your number in her pocket." She holds up a business card. "Wait.... their was a jacket with her- I though it was her dads- It was yours wasn't it!"

I walk over to Lizzie gripping her shoulder tightly. "Lizzie let's talk this over. You can't just accuse a guy-"

She glared at me, her eye rimmed in red.

"I'm sorry- I didn't see Alice that night." Jay says softly.

"Don't lie to me." Lizzie says, desperation seeping though the cracks in her voice. I can tell she's on the verge of breaking down in tears. "Please I can't keep getting lied too."

Jay looks down at his hands and sighs. "Tony- you can go home. Your shifts over." He calls over his shoulder.

I hear a voice reply from the kitchens "Kay! Thanks."

Jay waits until after Tony leaves before turning back to us. "Okay- but you have to understand that I had nothing to do with why she committed suicide."  He sounds frantic speaking low but fast.

I watch Lizzie's shoulders drop. I'm stunned too. Jay? The perfect Jay who stays out of all drama, who's a perfect student, athlete, hell-person- is involved with something as gruesome as a suicide?

He walks over to us and hesitates before speaking. "I worked a late shift that night. I was driving back home when I found Alice walking on the side of the road- soaking wet from the rain. I asked her what was wrong- but she was messed up- she didn't even respond. I brought her here, and gave her some coffee and some of my old clothes from my locker while she warmed up. She still hadn't talked to me at all.  I was thinking of calling the police or her parents- but than she-" Jay halters, unable to continue.

"Go on please." Lizzie whispers.

"She told me that she- that she was in trouble. She told me to never tell anyone she had came here. And than she gave me- she gave me this." Jay searches through his pocket until he pulls out a flash drive.

"She told me to burn this, to destroy it, and never show it to anyone. But I didn't." He buries his head in his hands. "I kept it."

"I let her walk out, and when she did." Jays voice cracks. "she went to jump of a bridge."

We all stand there in silence, the only sound come from the generator buzzing with energy as it runs through the building.

"Jay? What's in the flash drive?" I ask.

"I can't." Jay croaks. I watch as a tear slips down his cheek. "I just can't."

I can't even begin to imagine what's on this drive. When did my life become so fucked up?

Lizzie unfreezes first walking over to Jay, and wrapping him in one of those hugs that I know all to well.

"Can I?"

Jay places the flash drive in her hand.

"Oh god- I'm so fucked. The scholarships, my future it's over." Jays says, more tears steaming down his face. "I withheld evidence from court. I'm involved with so much death. I wish she never gave me that flash drive. Why me? Why did I pick her up?"

Lizzie stays quiet and glances at me. We know what we're each thinking.

"If you're gonna watch it- make sure you're alone when you do." Jays says cleaning his tear caked face with his sleeve. "And also. You're in charge now. You decide what to do with that."

Jay stands up, staring at us with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry." And he leaves.

•Sorry for the long chapter! There was a lot of information- crucial info too. I feel so bad for Jay (jays my fave character you'll see why.) comment what you think is on that flash drive!•

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