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1 Year Later
The stalking of the girl Y/ N had been going on for a year now, and Mark had no intention of stopping any time soon. Neither did Sean, With this happening from both sides, you would think Y/ N would noticed by now, or at the very least, one of the men would have noticed the other. Seeing as they always found her in the same places. Only from different angles. What Y/ N didn't know until 1 year later, thanks to the help of Anti and Dark. Sean and Mark had found out about each other. Deciding to work together, they formed a plan to take place a year in advance.
Sean had decided to use Mark to his advantage. Once the plan had begun, Sean would get Y/ N to fall for him. When this happened, he would "get rid" of Mark. Just like everyone else who ever got in his way.
Mark had only wanted to share Y/ N between the 2 of them, seeing as he thought Sean was his one friend he could trust with just about anything. Or so he'd like to think.
For Sean, it was never about "being friends" it was about using him. Mark was much bigger than him, stronger. Overall weak in the mind. Broken. Making it much easier to use Mark as his pawn.
Sean seemed was weaker than Mark in muscle mass, but made up for in intellect. Being able to manipulate the mind to do anything you wished was a very useful skill for Sean. Make him always the victim in any situation.
Sean had decided to get help from one of his "friends" Felix, as odd as it sounded. Sean oddly enjoyed his company as opposed to all the others in his way. The reason Sean was thinking about  calling Felix was to see if he knew who Y/ N was. But he quickly dismissed the idea. Fearfully if Felix knew he was looking for her, when she went "missing" Felix and police would turn to Sean first. Sean had manipulated police before, but it was no easy task the 4th time around.
Sean walked around the newly bought house of Mark's. He was making some pre recordings for Pax. Leaving Sean alone with his unsettling thoughts.
He thought back to when he saw her the first time. How unsure he was of taking this girl as his new toy. Sean snickered at his doubtful thoughts about her. She was perfect and he knew it. She was strong minded. So breaking her would be harder than anticipated. Not as strong physically, made this a little bit easier. Sean thought back to when Mark had told him about Y/N the day after Sean had first met her. Sean thought the best course of action was to make Mark a little mind slave. Sean had also found out about Anti and Dark awhile back. Fully knowing that they were stuck in their heads. Only aloud out when their owners had aloud them too. Sean decided it was best to leave them in their heads until the big day. Anti would indeed be eager to have "female company". But Dark, Sean was not so sure. He was sort of "unstable" did whatever he wanted when he wanted.
Sean pondered on how to get demons to do his bidding. After many many months on trying to figure it out, Sean had accidentally cut his hand open. Earning an inside scream from Anti. Sean had let Anti out all that day, to study him. Figuring out what had happened. Sean started to cut himself in other places around his body, seeing as they miraculously appeared on Anti's body seconds later.
Sean then realised what he had to do to get the entities to DoD as he said. He had to threaten to kill himself. Mark would have to do the same. Though, Sean could get him to do anything. Anything
Day Of Kidnapping
Sean had everything prepared for tonight. Even found out where She had lived. Sean had convinced Mark to buy the apartment 2 floors up across the street. So they could execute their plan, by seeing what Y/N had done on a daily basis. Turns out, nothing really. Just kinda sat on her computer, phone and Tv. Only really moving when she absolutely had to.
Sean had gotten Anti and Dark to comply and help with the "project" Anti had still not wanted to be apart of it. Dark seemed very eager.
Mark was off to the side, just waiting to be told what to do. Sean had sort of made him unable to think for himself sometimes. Not often. It still happened.
Mark walked over to the window and just, watched.
Sean also convinced Mark to rent a very modern house off of a man he had met not that long ago. Knowing full well that modern is what Y/N had liked.
Sean had everything set up, Y/N would be chained to a bed, Sean would "wake up" and introduce himself. Anti would pop in and give Y/N a specific nick name. Sean would freak out when A time had started to touch her. And well, you know the rest.
But the one thing that had happened which was not planned. Was the time when Mark had, well...... did something to Sean.
You know full well what it was. It was also Sean that told Mark to do it. He wasn't gay or anything, but Sean needed to be as real as possible. Could not look fake. I had to be real. I was real.
Sean wanted to get rid of Mark as soon as possible.
Anti had tapped on Sean's shoulder.
"Are we doing this or what?"
Sean did nothing but smile, and started to walk out the door.
"Let the show begin"

Once outside the door of Y/N's apartment, Sean had told Anti a d Dark to go in. They smirked and walked in.
Once inside, they realized it was very dark. Anti looked at the clock on the oven seeing as it was about 3:13 in the morning.
Dark had went over to her room, he looked at her sleeping figure and started to feel very very bad, for what he was going to do. It made him feel a little better that he wasn't alone in all this. But not by much. Anti had went beside Dark, feeling the same way, put his hand on Dark's shoulder.
Anti whispered and put his hand on Y/ N forehead. Dark sighed and spoke.
"Lets just get this nightmare over with."
Anti had picked up Y/N bridal style and watched her sleep. The rise and fall of her chest. Made Anti smile. But when they got to the cell that she was to be put in, they were instructed to tie her the the bead post. On the floor. Without clothes, just underwear and bra. Anti had let Dark handel the rest. Anti did not want to take part in it, knowing that the has kidnapped this poor girl, put her in a room with 2 insane Yanderes who wanted to do unspeakable things to her. He no longer wanted to be part of this so he stood and watched, tears running down his face. As he saw her get humiliated.

I never wanted this to happen

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