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Walking down the stairs with Anti hand in hand. I was shocked by the house I was in right now. Fitting the architectural design of 2017 very well. Very modern and open concept. I looked around at color scheme, same as the bathroom. Greys, blacks and whites. It looked like a place I would want to live.
Anti had lead me into the kitchen and told me to sit in one of the stools at the counter. I eagerly sat down at waited.
Anti spun the stool around to face him, putting both of his hands on either sides of the chair leaning into me. I started to blush furiously smirking along with it.
"So, what do ya want Kitten?" Anti smiled.
My eyes lit up with all the possibilities of food I could have. I finally decided on something simple.
"Something simple, but keep it a surprise." I smirked.
Anti leaned in closer to me staring into my eyes. I did my best to lean backwards, but I had no where to go.
"Alright, prepared to be amazed!" Anti shouted running back to the opposite side of the kitchen. I sighed and collected myself.
Anti grabbed a medium sized pan, a cutting board, and a big knife. Then, went over to the fridge and grabbed, cheese, green onions, peppers, and margarine.
I looked at him confused. He just smirked and continued to cut and shred cheese. I started to drift into my own thoughts.
Like, why was Anti so mean to me. Then in an instant, nice and caring. What made him change his mind. Or heart? I will always have a hard time understanding him won't I?
Another thought eating away at me has been, why Anti is so different around Dark. Was he intimidated by him. Did he work for him. Was kidnapping all of us even his Idea? I need answers but I need to plan on how I was going to get them first.
How do I get the answers I so desperately need?
Anti won't tell me, would he?
"Earth to Y/N!" Anti half yelled half laughed.
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Anti.
"Sorry, I was just lost in thought." I quickly apologized.
Anti smiled and put a plate in front of me. Sitting in the seat next to me.
"Oh no, it's fine. Everyone gets lost in themselves now and then."
I smiled and looked down at the plate in front of me. It was exactly what I was hoping for. A fucking grilled cheese.
"Hell to the yeah!" I said picking up a corner of it taking a bite. Holy hell, how the fuck did he make this. It's amazing.
(Yes, that's what she said. I know)
"What did you put in this?" I asked.
Anti smiled and started to explain it.
"It's cheese, green onions, peppers, and I decided to make garlic butter to use instead if just plain margarine. In addition to that, I put a small amount of oil in the pan.
I smiled, listening and hanging onto every word. But also making sure to eat slower that I wanted to. Knowing that not eating for various lengths of time, then eating quickly. Can make you very very sick.
After I was finished with my food, Anti grabbed my plate before I could protest. I got up anyway and went to help him put things away. Anti grasped my arms put them above my head and started at me. I didn't move. I didn't want to.
Anti continued to look at me. I put my arms down and much to my surprise, I grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him into my lips. To my surprise. Anti started to kiss back with passion!?  I freaked out at first but soon melted into it. Anti had bit my bitten lip lightly making me jump and open my mouth slightly. Anti quickly took advantage of it and started to explore my mouth. Squirming underneath his touch. I felt Anti smirk against my mouth.
Anti slowly pulled back lightly panting. Anti smirked and looked at me with care in his eyes.
"When your fantasies, become your legacies." Anti started, leaning close to my ear and whispered.
"Promise me a place, in your house of memories."
I started to cry. I blinked once and everything went black.

I'm sorry Y/N, this isn't what I wanted to happen

Control Trilogy  [Anti X Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang