Chapter 3

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I needed to re-evaluate my friends. Or friend. Or... I didn't have any friends.

Were all my Team Crafted friends fake? Jason? Adam? Ty?

I thought I had at least 6 friends, all this time. I kept telling myself that I had at least 6 people in my life that cared about me, besides my immediate family, that is. I loved my family, and they loved me. Right?

I can't tell you how much this hurts, to not only have Mitch not recognize me, but to bully me. As far as I was concerned... Mitch wasn't my friend.

I ran home, away from the prison and to, hopefully, my mother. She always knew how to comfort me.

"Mom?" I called as I entered the house.

"Jerome? What're you doing home?" she asked, emerging from the kitchen. I noticed the sweet scent of possibly a cake or pie wafting from the room. She was baking.

"It's a long story..." I sighed, following her into the kitchen. She sat me down at the counter and placed a mug of coffee in front of me. I sipped it. Cream and a bit more sugar than I would've liked. This was my mom's coffee.

"Now, tell me what happened." She insisted as she poured herself another cup of coffee and sat down across from me.

"Well, I'd just gotten to school and all. I looked around, and you wouldn't believe who I saw." I murmured.

"Who was it?" she asked.

"Mitch." I mumbled.

"Mitch Hughes? Your YouTube friend?" She confirmed. I nodded.

"The one and only BajanCanadian. Anyway, he and I saw each other, but he went on ignoring me. I guess he didn't recognize me. But he's the popular kid at school. So I went to my locker, and I saw him coming up to me. I smiled, and I thought he'd recognized me, but he called me a 'newbie' and he pushed me, hard." I looked down at the steaming mug. Only the little splash as a drop of liquid hit the coffee made me realize that I was crying.

"Oh, baby..." she cooed sympathetically, reaching across and grabbing my hand. "I'm sorry you had a bad first day. Are you sure it wasn't a mistake? That it maybe wasn't Mitch?" she asked.

"I'm sure." I nodded. How could I mistake anyone for Mitch? He had unique, gorgeous amber eyes, flawless tanned skin, effortlessly perfect hair... everything about Mitch was perfect. Except his bullying habits...

"Maybe he was just trying to impress his friends. Why don't you give him a Skype call later, talk to him personally when his friends aren't around." She suggested.

"Maybe. It was really hurtful, mom. He and I... we were closer than anyone could be. He knows everything about me, we shared secrets, rooms," I blushed. "Beds. And now I'm scared. What if he tells people my secrets and gets them to laugh at me?" I whimpered.

"Jerome, you're just thinking irrationally. Why don't I finish baking this pie and then we'll go upstairs and play some Minecraft?" she murmured. I smiled. My mom was the coolest, and she was really good at Minecraft too.

"'Kay. Is your stuff in your room?" I asked. She nodded.

"I know you tell me to keep everything in the gaming room, but I couldn't sleep last night." she giggled.

"Ah, whatever. It's not like you don't have the PC." I grinned, turning and jogging up the stairs and into my mom's room. Sure enough, on her bed, was her laptop and headset. I picked them up and headed into the gaming room.

Mom was a serious gamer. She rages so hard, it's scary sometimes. That's why I never play X-run with her anymore. But she had this room set up. In one corner is my setup. Two monitors, my PS3, Xbox 1, and a WiiU. I bought the monitors and the PS3. I'm not spoiled, either. The Xbox and WiiU were gifts from relatives. The only things my parents actually bought me was my Razer gear and the desk.

I set mom's stuff down on her desk, pushing back her monitors a bit to give the laptop some space. I then sat down in my chair and opened up Skype. Maybe Pearston or Bash was online, given their timezones were different than mine. Turns out, the cactus was online. I called him.

"Hey Jerome!" he chirped.

"Hey Preston! What's up?" I asked casually.

"Nothin', just trying to clean up this fudging desktop. I never keep to these organizing systems I set up." he chuckled.

"Nice." I grinned. "Wanna play some Minecraft with me and Momma Bacca?" I asked.

"Would I ever say no to that?" Preston laughed. "Lemme just open my Minecraft."

"She decided to bake a pie today." I mentioned, opening my own account.

"Lucky! My mom never bakes." he grumbled. "I have to do it myself."

"That's too bad. I'll send a piece all the way to Washington." I smirked.

"Nah, imagine if it got stuck in customs and it got all mouldy and stuff." he giggled.

"Ew, don't even Pearston." I muttered as mom came in.

"Momma Bacca!" Preston cheered.

"You invited the Cactus?" Mom fake-whined. We all laughed.

"What're we playing today?" she asked, sitting down at her computer as I invited her to the Skype call.

"I'm down for some hunger deens." I smiled. Preston agreed, so we all joined an arena.

And I swear, as soon as I crafted Betty, I forgot about my whole morning, and Mitch.


A/N: 42 reads?! *squee* Thank you all :D Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Oh, and if any of you are here because of my biggums, BenjaMeg, thanks for coming :3


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