Chapter 13

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A/N: All the reads :3 if you really like this story, remember to give it a vote, too :D every one counts, and just like how likes on YouTube videos lets YouTubers know people like the content, votes let me know you guys like the content of my chapters!


"That's right." I gave him the best smile I could muster. Really, what could I do? I couldn't just abandon my goal. But who's to say that goal was going to be achieved? What if Mitch didn't share my feelings, and I ended up with Preston? That was always a possibility.

He chuckled softly, shutting his laptop. "I think I've studied enough. What's there to do for fun around here?" he asked. I thought about this.

"There's an arcade not far from here." I suggested. He smiled.

"Let's go there, then." he insisted, standing up and stretching. I watched him as he prepared himself. He double-checked everything, from whether he had his wallet or not, to his own shoelaces. He was thorough. I liked that.

"Come on, then." I murmured, taking his hand and guiding him out the door. The arcade was about a five minute walk from here, since my family lived practically downtown.

The walk was mostly silent, save for Preston softly singing to himself. I enjoyed the sound. He didn't let it show, but he was actually a pretty good singer. Reminded me of Mitch, who still insists that he can't sing. I've never actually heard him try, but I'm always urging him to sing for me, just once so I could hear him.

Once the city came into view, Preston's eyes widened.

"Gorgeous..." he mumbled quietly. I looked up ahead. It really was, the city that was bathed in a sunset glow. The lights that were beginning to turn on made the buildings twinkle, and a light, warm, late summer breeze felt great on my skin.

"It really is." I agreed, switching to wrapping an arm around his waist as we walked. Sure, we got the stares, but I, and Preston, didn't care. We simply walked on, all the way to the arcade, where we played games and had much fun until well into the night.

On the way home, Preston decided he was quite tired, and I dropped him off before heading on a walk. I liked the time to think to myself. But I wasn't alone for long.

"Jerome?" I stopped short, looking at the dimly lit bench. What was Mitch doing out here?

"Mitch..?" I frowned, moving towards him. "What're you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same question, biggums." he chuckled, inviting me to sit with him.

"You answer first." I insisted, taking a seat on the chilly metal bench. I shivered a bit, noticing my lack of appropriate clothing for this cold. Mitch noticed too, and insisted I wear his hoodie. I always loved the faded red and black checker print.

"I guess I'm just doing a little thinking." he shrugged. "And... Mike's having a party." he sighed. "Now, answer me."

"I'm pretty much doing the same thing, minus the party." I smiled a bit. "Why don't you come back to my house, you can stay there for the night." I offered.

"I don't wanna intrude.." he mumbled.

"It's alright, I promise." I chuckled.

"Then... alright." he smiled, getting up and following me back to my house.

"Preston's already got the spare bedroom. If you want, you could take my bed and I'll sleep on the floor." I murmured.

"I couldn't put you out like that, Jerome. I can take the floor." He insisted. I shook my head.

"I've got a queen sized bed, we can share. It's not like we've never shared a bed before." I smiled.

"You have a point." he giggled as we went inside my house. It was dark, of course, everyone already in bed. I quietly hopped up with stairs with him, into my room. There wasn't much conversation after that. Pretty much straight to bed, but I preferred the alternative to talking all night; we cuddled until we fell asleep instead of conversing.


A/N: I just loved writing that ending c: It was so adorable, and I hope you all doods thought that too.

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