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Hey guys!

So, this isn't a new chapter... but I just wanted to let you know that a new one is on the way.

Don't get me wrong, I have ideas for this story. Lots of them, actually. Just... no motivation to write. And maybe I want to see what you guys want to see happen in the story. Leave a comment?

All I really need is a coffee and some time alone at the computer (both of which I'm not getting).

But tomorrow is pay day! :D I'm ordering my new phone tomorrow (hopefully here by Monday) and I have to buy a Greyhound ticket to get back to the Coast and see my best friend and my sister. Maybe if it's a little easier to update from my phone, I'll work on some chapters while I'm there (July 11th - 15th). But hey, I haven't seen my friend for almost a full year now, I hope you can all understand if I don't update!

And BenjaMeg, if you're reading this...

I'm sorry.


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