chapter 6

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Marinette's pov

Once I got home, I quickly changed out of my dress. This kind of fabric cannot be replaced. But Chloe ruined it no doubt out of jealousy. That Adrien kid. I don't really know who he was, but he may be a powerful  ally. I felt warrior energy flowing off his body. I'll keep a mental note of him, saving this for later.

"Are you Alright?" Nathaniel softy spoke like a meek deer standing before a large brown bear. I could tell he was upset with himself for not being there to help in my time of need.

"Yeah. Just a little upset over grandma's dress." I said with a half smile. Everything really was alright. I'll just have to find a way to pay her back.

"Well just so you know, that Adrien-" he was cut off by screaming outside. I quickly activated my special powers. Spandex spread across my body, breathing at the same rate as I. It's like a bullet proof living organism. My hair always stayed the same as it was before I transformed. My suit was a black full body leotard with a big red spot that covered my chest. It cut off at the sleeves and wrapped around the back. It faded into black again under my breasts and red again at my hands and feet. The center of my mask was black and the edges were red.

Without thinking I jumped off the balcony using my special yoyo to swing from building to building. Soon I found a person in distress as a costumed villain. She had white hair and skin fairer than snow white. Her eyes where electric blue . They actually glowed in the dimness of the setting sun. Her leather was actually darker than the blackest oblivion.

"What is your name, warrior." I asked a little too authoritative. She stood feet away, staring at me with cold, dead eyes.

"My name, ha! Classic hero talk. You think you can save every one, well guess what? Some of us don't need saving." By the end of her little speech, she was growing water psi in her left hand. Once the size of a basketball she heaved it at me. Luckily, my reflexes broke the psi before it reached me.

I ran at her in hopes of containing her. Wrapping her in the yoyo would be ideal. I got within inches of wrapping her up when a huge burst of energy flung me to the other side of the courtyard. My back felt as though it shattered on collision of the brick. I saw through my blurry vision, her walking towards me. An evil smile corroded her fair face. Something black jumped in front of me as if it were protecting me. His staff expanded towards the villain knocking her unconscious.

His bright green eyes perceived into mine and his hand flees to to my stomach. When he touches I wince at the sudden contact. His fingers, though gentle, still had the abrasive quality. He pulled back his hand and it was covered in red crimson. He gave me a guarded look as if not to alarm me.

My vision was clear, as for my head, that's another story. I pulled forward to pull the iron rod out of me. I stood up and staggered towards the nameless villain. "I don't want to save you. I want to save the world from your meritocracy. " I hissed out of rage. She flinched back, eye's full of fear as I advanced towards her.

I realised she wasn't looking at me she was starring at my wound. I glanced down, noticing for the first time, it was completely healed. It was as if it were never there to begin with, besides the huge scar.

I knocked her out with a single punch which released a dark spirit, an Akuma. In Japan these creatures were called hidden devils. I quickly caught the Akuma and let go of its pure form. A white spirit off to heal instead of do evil.

I looked over to the person who aided me in this fight. Is it possible the other ruler of my realm is here? Under that mask?

Hey miraculers! Who is excited for season 2 to be released? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Well I'm going to try to do chapters like this so that this book doesn't take too long to complete. I wanted to release the third book in the Why Me series on the release date for miraculous season 2 but I dont know if I can wait that long. Lol

Stay fabulous
Xoxo Loralei

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