chapter 9

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Marinette's pov

I came home to my boring old house. I've been here almost 3 months and it was nearer to Halloween. I was planning on throwing a party but I don't know. What if it's too conspicuous? Oh well...

I walk up into my alter room. Everything was in place and the way I prefer it being. itinerate from there to the kitchen when I notice foot prints in the flour on the floor leading up into my room. I thought nothing of it and started to sweep the white mess away. I was slowly humming to myself when I heard movement coming from my room.

I slowly climb up the stairs, my heart beating my ribcage. I lift the trap door to see 2 black boots standing there facing the opposite way the door opened. Silently I stepped though and saw a man dressed in black leather and seemed to be a cat. This was the guy who showed up at that attack!!!

"What are you doing here," I spoke without thinking. He jumped and turned to me. He jauntered over to me and Gave me a huge hug. This felt like... Adrien?? When I opened my eyes there was no one there. Just me and my confusing thoughts.

Now alone in my malodorous abode with my thoughts, I didn't know what to do. I sat down at my escritoire and started my Halloween ideas.

Hey y'all, so for those who dont know some of the words here's what they mean:

Malodorous-  basically just means bad or evil. Synonym.
Escritoire- literally it's just a desk. It's a synonym.
itinerate- similar to walking
Jauntered- idky but alot of people don't know this so it's like a quick walk but with bounce.

But the third book for why me will be released as soon as a actually write it. So yahhhh!  Love y'all

Xoxo Loralei

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