Chapter 14

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Marinettes pov

All my guests were starting down the great hall. It was the widest corridor in the eastern wing of the castle. Every aspect of the wing matched according to color. Similar to the Masque of the Red Death. (A/n the masque of the red death is an actual story. It's really good, check it out if you are looking a really deep short story)

"This way " I said, my voice flowing over my shoulder. I heard the groups steps following me as I led them through the familiarity of this castle.  With every step towards the throne room, a knot grew bigger in the pit of my stomach. Fear. It grew, the ugliest element of life, sloppily fed. The disgusting monstrosity of feelings twirled within me.

I felt a warm lump touch my shoulder. My whole body was numb so I almost didn't feel it with the gentleness made. I glanced towards the heat and followed the hand leading to the body.

A concerned look corroded his gentle features. His emerald eyes shine through mine. "Are you okay?" He asked. His voice was like honey, smooth and sweet.

He must have sensed my nervousness yet again. Something about the fact I couldn't hide my feeling from him irritated me. With unintended venom in my voice I said, "yeah I'm fine"

He shrunk back. If he knew what was ahead in the next room, he'd leave and never return. I'll protect the one I love therefore he'll be protected, I thought silently. Wait what??!!

I'm evil ik lols. Happy thanksgiving everyone!!

Xoxo loralei

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