Chapter 13

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Maxs  pov

We finally arrived at the castle. This drenched place! I can't wait until our team burns it to the ground. The crown thinks they can do what ever they want just for the sake of it. Well well they are sorely mistaken.

We call our selves the Akuma forces. Together we stand strong under the leadership of a powerful warlock in these realms. Hawkmoth. We feed on the misery in the human world. Here there is no misery, we wish to bring it forth with many vengeance.

The problem was pretending to enjoy this spoiled brats existence. I should kill her now. But that won't help anything. For now I must remain in character until the time is right.

So short chapter! But uh I don't know why max is the first one to be bad in my stories. I suppose it's easy considering he can be antisocial in a way.

Xoxo loralei

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