Chapter 15

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Marinettes pov

"Mari how could you afford to rent this place?" Alya asked, sounding very confused.

I was quite surprised by her asking such a question. In my head I was stumbling around trying to find an answer. I didn't want to reveal that I was the princess, not yet anyway.

"Well duh she owns this place " Nathaniel came out of a dark place in the walls. When he said that I was about to freak. I didn't want them to know and he knew that.

He came to my side and winked at me. I was extremely confused. I have a bad habit where my emotions show on my face when I'm frustrated. Nath has some serious explaining to do later in a private chamber.

Nathaniels pov

I stood shrouded in the shadows of the large folds in the hall. Their voices carried and echoed here. I heard their whispers on how they thought marinette achieved this place. I couldn't allow her to be rituculed over her home. If I told them that she owned this place, the simplest thing they can think is that her family is secretly rich.

Stepping out of the shadowy coziness of the folds light cascaded over my body like a waterfall. At first it was almost blinding by how bright it truly was. No one seemed to notice I was here except for the very flustered princess.

Deciding that now I should make my presence known, I said, "well actually she owns this place". The way Mari looked at me I could tell she didn't see the beauty in me telling the group. She'll see soon.

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