chapter 8

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Adriens pov

I felt kind of creepy, watching her through a window while she slept. But this was the only way I could ensure her absolute safety. This is only the second night I sat watch. I slept like a cat. Every slight movement woke me. No one could slip past me. Until someone could.

I woke up by the sound of footfall. I looked relieved to see it was only a stray pedestrian. My green eyes glowed bright in the darkness of the night. I started to survey the surroundings. Nothing was particularly interesting until my keen sight fell on her. She was on her balcony, crying to herself. I wanted so badly to reach out to her and comfort my princess. But as her body guard I can't...

When I woke again, the sky was already growing brighter. The sun was like a water brimming on the glass. Any moment she would outreach her fingers and touch everything with her warming glow, flooding Paris with light. I stood up shaking the stiffness out. My eyes flicker across the horizon only to rest upon Marinette's house. She was no longer in the spot where she fell asleep. Fear rose in my throat like bile.

There was an open window on the second floor. I slipped in making sure I didn't make any noise. It looked as if this room was the living room. The walls were a forest green with all the trimming a dark wood colour. At the center of the room was a large mahogany table covered in a sheet the same shade as the walls. There was a large silver bowl offset in the center. Towards the edges of the table were candles of all colours. Why on earth does she have an alter... I thought to myself.

Moving into her kitchen, I glanced around. There wasn't much in this room excepting food on the counters. She obviously cooked often. There were still some dishes awaiting cleaning.  Her walls were eggshell with delicate pink swirls.  In the middle of the back wall was a  stair case leading up.

It led to her room. This was by far the most powerful of all rooms I've seen. All the walls were red with the trimming black. She had a very large gothic style bed painted black. Her sheets were crimson with accent pillows of cream and black. Her wall to wall desk was cream like the pillows. It was an exact replica of her room in Alabor.

"What are you doing here?!" I heard someone gasp behind me.

Hey guys!!! It's me again... sorry I haven't been able to keep up with all that's going on. You as my readers deserve to know. I have been diagnosed with serious depression so I've been going to alot of therapy lately. Also I've been studying for keystones coming up in December. So I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. And thank you for your kind words.

Xoxo Loralei

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