Who Are You?

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          That dream...was it even a dream? A nightmare? A vision? What ever it was, it kept me up, and very distance from Mark. "Want to come play a game with me?" He'd ask. I would just shake my head in disagreement and continue to look out the window.
             I felt the weight dipped beside me. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" A deep, welcoming voice asked. I nodded silently, smiling weakly at the worried Mark next to me. "Clearly, your not. You've been all mopey, and silent. It's not you. What's wrong?" He hugged me tightly. I let out a sigh, "Just been thinking, that's all." "What about?" He planted a kiss onto my cheek, warming my face. "Just. That dream. It freaked me out." Tears started to develop in my (E/C) eyes, "I mean. All these dreams where you die, what if it means something?" "There just nightmares, Beautiful. They don't mean anything. " The Korean replied. I pushed him away, "You don't know that." "Yes, I do. I'm fine. I promise. Now, please. Tell me you'll okay when you go home today." Mark begged. I grabbed the keys off the counter, "See you later Mark."
Even though it was still early in the day, I was really sleepy. I flopped into the couch, snuggling into the pillows, slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.
"So who was that boy?" Mark growled. I looked over at him, "What do you mean?" "That boy you meant at the park. Who was that?" He repeated. "Don't worry about it. Watch the road." I mumbled. "No! Fucking answer me! Who was that!" He yelled turning to me. "It was my dad, fuck-MARK LOOK OUT!" I screamed, pointing towards the truck that suddenly stopped in front of us. Everything was black, until I was staring down at a 'dead' Mark, "I fucking hate you!"

(Working on my computer)

"(Y/N)!" Someone yelled. I jerked up from the sudden out burst. It's okay. It was just a dream, Mark's okay, Tears ran down my cheeks as soft whimpers and sobs escaped my lips. "Hey, (Y/N). You left your..." I looked up, Mark stood at he end of the couch, "Phone." He breathed. I quickly wiped my cold tears, "M-Mark. Hey, how's it going?" "Don't play stupid with me Miss (L/N). What happened this time, and no lies." Mark sat next to me, pulling the most serious face he could. "It's really nothing." I sniffled, wiping away more tears, "Its just a stupid nightmare, that's all." he huffed, "Nightmare or not. I still want to know why your crying. It was clearly something that made you so shooken up." Clearing my throat, I asked, "Can you get me some water, please?" Mark nodded and kissed my forehead, jogging into the kitchen to complete his order. "Nightmare or not." Someone mocked, "Pft. More like reality." I quickly spun my head around to the sound of the voice, "Who's there?" A man, dressed in a gray (Or grey) suit, stepped out from a corner. His hair was black as the night, along with his eyes, shining in the light of the sun. "Oh, me?" He played with the black rose in his hand, "Wouldn't you like to know." Just in a flash. he was in front of me, kissing my hand, "The names Dark, m'lady." I quickly pulled my hand away, "How did you get in here? The door was shut, correct?" "Oh, honey. I don't use doors." Dark chuckled lightly, "I teleport." "T-Teleport? That's inhu-" Dark snapped at me, "Inhuman? Yes, I know. That's all I've ever been called by you mortals. You think your all so amazing, but really. Your not. You can barely live in this world without us." I scoffed, "I'm doing just fine without you." He chuckled again, "Really? Well, you know those nightmares you've been having. Those, my dear, are snippets of what's going to happen in 3 days time." "No, your lying." I stuttered. "Oh. am I really? Have you noticed how in the dreams, you felt everything. All the pain, all the sadness. " He grinned at me. "No." I choked, "Your lying. It's not true. He can't. He has a community, and a family." "Hey beautiful!" Mark laughed. Dark smiled and winked at me, waving as he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. "Sorry it took me so long, I couldn't find the glasses. But then I remember you telling me that its right above the silverware." Mark plopped down next to me, handing the glass over, "Now, about this dream." I let out a giggle, "I. Actually forgot. You took so long, and now I can't remember." "Ugh! Damnit me! Sorry about that, but once you remember. You tell me!" He demanded. I nodded, taking a sip of my water. Who the hell is Dark, and why does he know me?

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