"He Was There! Laughing At Me!"

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"(Y/N)! Get up, let's go!" Mark chanted, jumping on the bed. I groaned, rolling over, "What's the point?" "Doctors appointment today! Adelante!" He picked me up bridal style,  "You lazy bones! Put some back bone into it!" I groaned again, "Your impression of Papyrus sucks." "I know it does human! Now come on, get dressed! I have a good feeling about this one!" "Stop moving so much, your going to make me throw up!" I covered my mouth, closing my eyes tightly. Mark set me down, smiling widely, "Morning, beautiful." I rolled my eyes, grabbing a shirt and skinny jeans out of my dresser. "Oh, and here." He handed me a small piece of paper. I gave him a little glare, taking off my shirt and grabbing the piece of paper, "A ticket to Ireland? Why?" "Well. If this appointment doesn't go well, or if it does, we have somewhere to go clear our heads and stuff. And your 6 months, the baby will be here soon, and we won't be able to go anywhere to hang with our friends. So we have to enjoy it while it lasts." He answered, flashing me a smirk.
         "This is unbelievable." Daniel spoke, looking at his notes, back to us. I braced myself for the pain that may come. "The baby's completely healthy. How is this possible?" He awed, "Lay down, please!" I jumped slightly, laying down and lifting my shirt. Dr. Ashley examined me, feeling my stomach, "Holy. That's weird. Congrats." Mark let out a sigh of relief. "Pictures?" Daniel asked, smiling at us. We nodded quickly. "I'll be back then!" He replied, leaving the room. We jumped for joy, dancing around, hugging and kissing. "See?! I told you it would be okay!" Mark cheered, kissing my cheek, then my belly. "I'm still not very big." I shrugged, running my fingers through his hair. "Who cares? The baby's okay! Your okay! I'm okay!" He cried, grabbing my hands, "We're having a baby boy!" The door opened, a nurse handing us the pictures, "Have a lovely day you to."
         "Mark look! That's his hand!" I awed, showing Mark the tiny hand in the black and white picture. "And look at that face!" Mark pointed, chuckling slightly. I felt a couple of eyes glaze over us. "Mark. People are staring." I murmured. He stood up in the coffee shop, "Ladies and Gentlemen! I have an announcement to make." I giggled and looked up at him, "What are you doing?" "I'm sorry for being so loud, but. My girlfriend and I are really excited since we'll be having a baby in 3 months time! Sorry for the inconvenience!" Mark sat down and sipped his coffee. A couple of people giggled, others whispered to themselves. I rolled my eyes, bringing the plastic cup of tea to my lips, "That was stupid." Mark shrugged, pulling out his wallet, "Want a cookie?" I nodded, "Yes please!" Taking a slow sip afterwards. He chuckled, walking up to the cashier and ordering. "Isn't that Markiplier's girlfriend?" Someone whispered. "It is! I recognize that face anywhere!" Another snickered, "And she's pregnant? Ugh. I wonder how ugly it's going to get." Mark sat down and handed me my cookie, "Your favorite!" My Heart was pounding out of my chest, "I'll be back. I'm going to go get some fresh air." I stood up, flashing him a quick smile and retreated outside.
          I sat on a nearby bench, putting my head in my hands. "Hey! It's her!" Someone yelled, pointing to me. I looked up, a couple of girls surrounded me. "I don't mean any harm." I whimpered, holding my stomach tightly. "Neither do we." One spoke, "We saw the way those 'fans' were treating you, so we came to talk." "So, your not going to beat me up?" I asked. Another giggled, "Of course not! Your pregnant! And dating Mark, and real fans wouldn't do that." I let out a sigh, "Thank you." "So. Your 6 months, what's the gender?" A young little girl asked, sitting down onto the green grass. "A boy. We don't have any names yet." I replied, "Mark likes the Marcus. But I think its to played out." "Christian?" One asked, "Lucas?" "Sam or Noah." Spoke Another. "We're going to Jack's House this weekend, they'll help us."
           "Good evening passengers, and welcome to Brighton, London. We hope you enjoyed flying with us, and please enjoy your stay." The pilot spoke. I rubbed my eyes, looking out the window, "Here already?" "You slept for half the flight, (Y/N)." Mark chuckled, "Sleep Good?" I nodded, stretching in my seat, "Are they here?" Mark looked at his phone, "Sure are. They're waiting at the front for us." The last person got off as Mark and I grabbed our suitcases, "Onward!"
          "(Y/N)!" Signe called running towards me, wrapping me in a hug. "Hey, Signe." I giggled, hugging her back. Mark and Jack bro hugged, "Good to see you guys." I picked my suitcase back up, smiling, "So. How's life?" "Pretty good." Jack answered, "Oh! (Y/N)! Let me get that for you." He reached for my suitcase. "Jack, it's fine. I can handle myself." I tugged it away, smirking at him. "Your pregnant. Please-" "Jack. She's not going to let you. I've been trying this whole trip." Mark sighed. I giggled, turning back to Signe, "Lead the way!"
         "Please, make yourself at home." Jack announced, opening the front door. The smell of vanilla and peppermint hitting me. The place was very well furnished, and a couple of plants everywhere-Signe a bet. "Your bedroom is upstairs, 2 door on the right." Signe smiled. I thanked her, grabbing my suitcase and heading upstairs. I jumped onto the bed, snuggling into the pillows, "Ahhh, this is nice. I could stay here forever." Mark laid next to me, pulling me close, "I'll stay wherever you do." I let out a happy sigh, resting my head onto his chest, "Just let the back pain float away." "Do you want me to give you a massage?" He leaned up, grabbing my hand. "Ha, no. I'm good." I stretched again, laying on my stomach. Since I wasn't that big, I could lay on my stomach, just as long as I wasn't adding all my weight to it. "If I don't, Signe will." Mark stated, "You know how she is." I groaned, "Fine."
          "(Y/N)!" I jolted out of my slumber. I looked over at Mark, who was sleeping soundly. I shook my head, "I'm loosing it." "(Y/N)!" It screamed again. "Okay, That sounded like Jack." I thought. I opened the bedroom door, heading downstairs, "Jack?" The kitchen was empty, along with the living room. I shook my head again, "Sleep deprived-" The TV flickered on, showing the news, "Channel 9 news: A young woman by the name of (Y/N) (L/N) has been reported missing. Her Husband, Mark Fischbach, and son-*Static* Fischbach, Have no idea where she could of gone. Please, look out for her. We're going to the scene now." It changed to Mark, his face all puffy and red. A mic was held to his face as he spoke, "She disappeared last night, around 11:38pm. She said she's was going out for fresh air, but. S-She never came back." Mark cried. Then, the microphone was handed down to a little boy, "Mommy. Please come home! Please! I miss you!" I put my hand on the screen, touching his cheek, the boy looked as if he was four, maybe even six. Then the TV flickered again, showing Darkiplier. I jumped back and screamed. Dark chuckled, "I love it when your scared." "W-What do you want?!" I cried, clutching my stomach. "Your child." He chuckled deeply, "What else would I want." "Your not getting him!" I yelled back. "Oh, are you sure about that?! Think again! I can do anything I want! I'll do whatever I want! Say whatever I want! You haven't even seen me yet!" He yelled, hurting my hearing. I covered my ears, crying out in pain, "Get out of my head!" "(Y/N)!" Someone screamed.
            Startled, I quickly turned around, tears streaming down my face. There stood a tired looking Jack, Signe, and Mark. "Are you okay? We heard screaming." Jack asked. "H-He was h-here! W-watching m-me!" I sobbed. Mark stepped in front of me, putting a hand out for me, helping me up, "What are you going on about?" "Dark. He was here, Mark. On the TV." I spoke, looking into his tired, brown eyes. "Your Just sleep deprived, that's all-" "No! I saw him! He was here!" I pointed to the TV, "He was in there, laughing at me." I heard a deep chuckle, as my legs felt weak, along with everything else. I put a hand on my forehead, "M-Mark. I-I'm not feeling good." My eyes fluttered Shut as I fell to the floor. I didn't hit the hard wood, but something soft, and muscular, his arms. He caught me.

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