Do You Even Know The Difference?

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"Where do we go from here?" I asked, sitting up against the wall, a hand laying on my stomach, "I'm sure the vents can't handle all of our weight, and there will be a lot of creaking. We're sure to get caught." "Looks like its walking then." Signe sighed. "Hey! I found-" Quickly, Mark punched the man in the gut, taking his gun and hitting him over the head with it. "That's it!" Jack awed, "We can take the guards outfits, become them, and take Dark down!" "We can't kill him though. But...its a good idea." Mark replied. He started taking the clothing off of the man, then putting it on himself. "It's not the most comfortable thing, but it will work." Mark sighed, holding his gun to his chest, "Let's hope my acting skills have gotten better over the years." Mark turned to me, "Take this." He handed me a necklace, a small black heart dangling off it, "If things get out of hand, open this towards Dark." I gave him a confused look as he put it around my neck.

"I found them, hiding in the gun unit." Mark growled at us, "Where's Dark? I heard he needed them." The female guard smiled widely, "He in the throne room-wait. There was four of them. Where did the short Korean go?" "You mean the average-height Korean?" Mark deafened. "Nah, he's pretty short." Jack chuckled. "Shut-up prisoner." Mark growled at Jack, then turned to the blonde in front of him, "They found him already." She nodded, holding her radio up to her thin lips, "Commander Amy reporting." "Speak." Dark's gruff voice came through the speaker, anger in his tone. "Officer Johnathan has found them, saw I send them up?" Amy winked at Mark, I mean, Officer Johnathan. "Send them up, right away." Dark ordered. She nodded, putting her radio back into her pocket, turning to us, "Follow me." Mark nodded, grabbing Jack's shoulder aggressively, "Move."

"About time you guys found them." Growled Dark, rolling his eyes. "Sorry, they were hidden very well. But, they're here now." Mark replied. I could see he was shaking, he was as terrified as much as we were. My stomach ached thinking about how much he could do to us right now. "Wait. Where's Mark?" Dark asked, his eyes connecting with mine, "Where is he?!" I jumped back slightly, my fear getting the best of me, "I don't know." He charged forward, grabbing my neck, "You do know, don't you? And I suggest you tell me before I snap your neck." I pulled off a face, spitting on his. "Stupid girl!" He roared, throwing me onto the ground. Signe ran to my side, "Are you okay?" I nodded slowly, picking myself up. "Sir, you shouldn't throw pregnant women like that." Mark growled, turning back at me. "Why are you giving me commands? I would watch your tongue if I were you." Dark grabbed my wrist, pulling me closely to him, "You better tell me where he is, right now. Before I kill them all, and leave you to suffer like I have been for 12 years." I closed my eyes, turning my head away from him. "I'm right here." Mark stated, pointing the gun at Dark. Dark scoffed, throwing me behind him, "What are you going to do with that, huh? You can't kill me. And if you do, you'll be next." Someone grabbed me, pulling me to my feet. "Aren't you a pretty one." The Irish voice cooed. I looked into his black pupils, "Who are you?" I heard him chuckled, letting go of me and taking a bow, "The names Antisepticeye. But everyone calls me Anti." He looked so much like Jack, every detail was the same. Blood dripped down Anti's neck as he held a knife in his hand, playing with the blade. "Y-Your bleeding." I stuttered, holding my own throat. "Oh." He chuckled, "This? This is just a little accident. I had to escape Jack's body somehow." My eyes glanced over at Jack who was staring intently at Anti's every move. "But. May I say, your a very beautiful flower. Gentle, soft, pretty. How come Mark always gets the pretty ones? Not fair for the rest of us." Anti did a 360 around me, taking in every feature I had to offer. I heard Signe yell my name from behind. What I saw, I'll never forget. Blood and corpse were everywhere, their faces frozen in fear. "Kinda sad, isn't?" Dark asked, holding a red rose in his hand. I thought they were black, not red. "This won't be happening if you stayed away from Mark, if you just didn't kiss him back, if you didn't go to the park that day. And I'm willing to give you a second chance, if your willing to change the past." Dark held out the rose to me, giving off a pleased smile. "And, if I don't?" I asked. He scoffed, "Then this becomes your reality. And empty void. Full of nothing but despair." I hand reached out to the rose, then pulling it back, holding my hand to my chest, "I'll never make a deal with someone like you." Dark frowned upon me, throwing the rose to the side, "Your are the most stupid girl I've seen!" He grabbed my neck, lifting me off the ground as I gasped for air, "Your always thinking about yourself." I kicked my legs in a desperate need for air, tears streaming from my eyes, "D-Dark. You D-don't have to d-do this." "No! I do!" Dark cried, "I had the perfect plan! Mark was going to see that I was the good guy! He was going to let me be in his videos! I was going to be the brother he wished for, not this monster." Dark tears fell down his face as he gritted his teeth, "But you got in the way. You made me seem like a bad guy." "C-Cause that's exactly what y-your a-are." I choked. Dark angrily threw me down, wiping his face, "You don't even know what a good, nor a bad guy is." "Good guys always get the girl-" "Don't start that fairy tale shit with me." Dark yelled, "I don't go around killing people, innocent people. That's a bad guy, they have no souls, no feelings. There empty." I held my throat, sucking in deep breaths, my whole body was trembling with fear. "You so called Heroes always over see the real problem." He slicked his hair back with hid hand, then straightened his suit, pulling on the fabric, "You." I looked up at him, "What do you mean?" "Have you even thought about Mark after this son of yours is born?" He glared at me, a frown of anger laced on his lips. "We're getting a new house, and he's getting a new office-" Dark chuckled, "What about his uploads? His fans? And as I remember, they don't like you every well." I put my head down, "They'll change, I know they will." "And if they don't?" He chuckled. "Okay. Maybe we didn't think it all through. But, I'm not going back to change anything. Everything happens for a reason." I sucked in another deep breath, "You can change, Dark." "Nobody can change in a day, it's impossible." I rested a hand on his shoulder, "It takes time. Everyone can change for the better. You just have to be willing to." His breath trembled, "I-I want to change. For Mark." "You can start, by getting us out of this void." I smiled at him. He nodded, waving his hand and cleared the room back to it's original state. Mark, Jack, and Signe were yelling at Anti. "Where did they go?" Mark yelled. Anti chuckled, "I told you, Dark has probably already killed the doll. I can't help you." "Anti, stop spreading rumors." Dark chuckled, snapping his fingers, making Anti disappear. "(Y/N)?! Get away from him!" Mark yelled. "No, he's going to change, for all of us." I smiled at Dark, then at Mark. "What are you talking about? Have you gone mad?!" Jack replied. "I promise, I'm not going to hurt anyone, anymore." Dark bowed. Mark face palmed, "I can't believe you. Well. You better keep your promise. Now get us home, now." Dark nodded, pushing he to stand beside Mark, "Take care."

My eyes fluttered, back in Jack's house. Letting out a sigh, I held my head, "Thank god that's over." The bedroom door opened, "Finally, your up." Mark chuckled, sitting next to me, "How was your sleep?" "How long was I sleeping?" I asked, looking into his warm brown eyes. "Well, after we left from Dark's, you passed out. You've slept twenty-eight hours."

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