Music Box

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         "Where's Marcus?" We covered our eyes, Marcus giggled softly. Mark and I chuckled softly, uncovering our eyes, "There he is!" Marcus giggled loudly, throwing his tiny fists around and swinging his legs that hit my stomach. "He's so cute!" Mark awed. "Mark, he's one." I giggled, grabbing our baby and resting him on my hip, "He's a toddler." "A toddler that can't walk, nor talk." He reminded. "I don't want him to fall on his face when his trying to walk. He's fragile!" I settled Marcus on his play mat, "Behave for mommy!"  Marcus giggled grabbing a blue plastic ring, swinging it around. "Let's just try for today-" "Why do you want him to grown up so fast, Mark? They only stay small for so long." I cried. Mark's expression went to complete awe, "So this is why you don't want him to start walking. You want him to stay small?" I nodded, wiping away my tears of sorrow, "He's one already. And it seems just yesterday he was born. I don't want him to grow up. Then, we have to let him go soon." "He's not going to grow up anytime soon, preschool is not for three years, five if we start him off late. But we can't keep carrying him around all the time, he was to walk." He reasoned. "Okay. Just for today." I sighed, picking up the child sitting on the ground, "You ready to try and walk?" Marcus giggled as Mark grabbed his hands, standing him up. "Okay, let's-" "Let's just stand him up for now. Ya know, balance?" I offered. Mark rolled his eyes, letting go of Marcus's hands. Marcus wobbled a little, kinda freaked me out. "Mark." I worried. "It's fine. I won't let him get hurt." Mark promised. Marcus giggled as he wobbled, grinning at Mark. "Are you standing, Marcus?" Mark cooed. Marcus giggled, then fell on his butt. "Mark! He fell He's going to cry-" He giggled. Marcus was giggling at the fact he messed up and fell. "See, he's fine." Mark picked him up again, grabbing his hands, "Now time for the walking part." I gulped my fear, he's not going to fall, he'll be fine, he's got Mark. Mark gently pulled Marcus forward, Marcus slowly placed each leg in front of each other. He was scared and wobbly, but he was enjoying himself. "Marcus! Your doing so good!" I awed, clapping softly. Marcus ripped his hands from Mark, tempting to run over to me, but fell onto his face. Marcus began to cry loudly, his face red and wet of tears. "Oh, Marcus!" I picked him up, cuddling him closely, "Sh. Your okay." Mark came close and checked his face, exterminating is nose, "Everything looks good." I bobbed the baby's body, planting a kiss on each of his cheeks, "Probably just scared." Marcus whimpered as he held one of Mark's fingers, and used his other hand to grip my shirt. Mark wagged his finger that was held, "Maybe we should start with talking. That's the most painless." I settled him onto the ground, "Let's feed him first, then maybe a little nap." I turned to Marcus, "Sound good?" Marcus smiled, waving his hands at Daddy. "Peas and carrots?" Mark asked from the kitchen. "No. He doesn't like that. Try something new today." I replied.

                  "Everybody finds love, in the end." Mark and I sang softly to Marcus, who holding his teddy bear tightly. He's always had trouble sleeping, which I think he got it from his father. "Mark, I think you have to bring out the big guns." I sighed, rubbing my tired eyes. Mark nodded, continuing to rock the cradle, "When this world is no more, the moon is all we'll see." Mark sang. Mark's voice was something else to me than just a voice. It was my lullaby. It made me feel safe, and calm. I rested my head on the white, smooth railing as Mark ran his fingers through my hair. I looked down at Marcus who was slowly drifting asleep, closing his (E/C) eyes. We stayed there for a little, just to make sure he was actually asleep. Marks sighed in relief, cranking the music box up and placing it beside the sleeping baby.

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