Echoing Piano

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.:??? POV:.
"No! No! No! No! It's all wrong! This isn't supposed to be happening!" I yelled, slamming my hands onto my desk. "Dark. Please. Calm-" "Shut up, Wilford!" I growled back, "Go get me some tea, and bring Google back with you." Will quickly nodded and dashed out the room. I grumbled and looked over at a picture frame, "If only I had the power." I hate him! His pearly white smile, his warm, welcoming brown eyes. HIS LOVING FANS! I shoved the books and pages off my desk. Google jumped at my sudden movement. "Sorry, Google. Please. Sit down." I sighed, pointed at a leather chair in front of me. Google nodded, the sound of moving gears filling the room. "Update!" I demanded. "Her memory repair is at 25%-" "I know this, you pile of bolts! What else!" I yelled. "Your current mood is sass. I will not talk to someone like that." Google smirked. I let out a controlled sigh, "Fine. What else?" "(Y/N) still is missing memories of you, and a couple of Mark. Examples are: The cookie making, first sleepover, your hideout. Their first kiss. Do you wish for me to-" "No. That's fine." I quickly replied, cutting him off. Google nodded, "Searching for: Ice Cream Cane." I face palmed, "Google. Remind me to get you upgraded." "Setting calendar for, Saturday. Is this okay?" "Yes." I rubbed my forehead, stupid headache. "Dark, I have your black tea." Wilford opened the door, setting it on the desk. I grabbed the cup, letting out a sigh, "Leave." They nodded and exited the room.
.: Your POV:.
"What about this video?" I asked, pointing at the screen. "Oh. This one was the one I told my fans to stop being rude to you. It was a LiveStream but I posted it for everyone to see it, even when they weren't there." Mark clicked on the video.

I stared intently at our faces, Marks' never looked so serious before. "You really wouldn't stop making videos, would you?" I asked, looking at him. "Yeah. I don't like people hurting my girl- I mean. You, like that." He sniffed, "Uh. I need to record. Can, you get out for a second?" I nodded, putting my chair back in the corner of the room, leaving. As I shut the door, I heard his muffled cries. God! I feel so bad. I let this happen. The tears fell down my hot cheeks, cooling them down slightly. I'm the reason why I have memory loss, because I cut myself. He hates me- "And even though she has Amnesia. I still love her. She may not know it, but I do. With all my heart. And, I hope she will regain all her memories. And when she does, I hope you all, will be nicer to her." Mark's muffled voice came through the door. I ran downstairs, grabbing my jacket. Chica looked at me with concern. "I'll be back. I promise." I smiled weakly at her, opening the door and leaving.

I pulled out my phone once I was at the park. Mark had texted me a lot. Mostly along the lines of, "Where are you". Just as I was going to text him, s message came through, "I'm going to come and find you. There's a storm coming, and it's not safe for you to be out there." I looked up, the clouds were a dark gray, covering the sky in a blanket of darkness.  "I'm at the park." I sent the message. "What is a beautiful flower like you doing at the park all alone?" A voice spoke. I quickly turned around. There stood a very handsome man (Not Mark handsome though.) wearing black glasses, showing his beautiful dark blue eyes. His brown hair was spiked up, clearing his well defined face. He wore a red shirt, with regular pants. "I didn't mean to scare you, Love. I'm Chris." He smiled at me, sticking his hand out. "I-I'm. I'm (Y/N)." I shook his hand softly. "So. What are you doing out here? There's a storm on the way." "I just went for a walk, just to clear my head. What are you doing out here?" I smirked. He held up a medium sized bag, "Writing." I nodded slowly, "I should-" "(Y/N)!" A deep voice called. I turned around, there was Mark running towards us. As soon as he was next to me, his eyes laid on Chris. Chris smiled, "Mark! It's nice to see you again!" They hugged. "We see each other all the time." Mark chuckled. "You know each other?" I asked. They both nodded. Mark looked at me, "We better go, storms coming." Chris nodded, "Yeah. See you around."

Mark through his keys onto the kitchen table, "Why didn't you tell me?" I sat down in a stool, and shrugged. "Yes you do know, (Y/N). You freaked me out." He growled. "I just needed so air." I muttered. He put his hand under my chin, lifting it up, "Just. Don't do it again. Please?" I nodded, "I promise." He kissed my forehead, sending an electric shock down my spine. I smiled, as he pulled away his warm lips. Why do I remember that so well? "So. What do you want?" He asked, digging through the cupboards. "Doesn't matter to me." I shrugged, "Do you have a photo album of us?" He nodded, "Yeah. It's small. It's in the coffee table."

I ran my finger over the picture. Mark and I were covered in cookie dough, and flour. I closed my eyes, remembering the memory. "Did you just throw flour at me? Oh. It's on." Mark's voice echoed. I smiled, opening them, revealing Mark grinning at me, "Good times, huh?" I nodded, "This is the one I actually remember. And it seems pretty happy. I bet the cookies were good." "They were. Oh! Look at this one." He pointed to a picture of him smiling at the camera, while I was sleeping in his chest, " That was our first sleepover. You were really mad at me, mostly because I posted this on Social Media." I nodded, "You'd be mad if someone took a picture of you while, you were sleeping." "Eh. Not really, I take stupid pictures all the time." He shrugged. Chica barked and held a leash in her mouth. "I think she wants to go on a walk." I giggled. Mark nodded, putting his shoes on.

"So." I sighed, kicking a rock with my shoes. "Leave it." Mark demanded Chica. She pouted and stopped smelling the rock. I giggled, " She just wants to make a friend-" I suddenly stop in my tracks, staring down at the hole in front of me, "What happened here?" "I don't know. Come on. Let's-" "Mark. Can you hear the piano?" I grabbed his hand, "Can you? It's so beautiful. I feel like I've hear it before..." I carefully stepped into the hole, using my hand to keep me stable. "What are you doing?! Get back here! Please!" Mark cried. "Why? Are you afraid, or something? It's just a piano-" "Please don't. I-I. I can't lose you again." He begged. I looked back down the cave, gulping my fear, "But the piano." "Don't worry about it. We can come back to it later. I promise. Just not now." He smiled weakly at me, hanging his hand down to me. I looked back at the sound of the echoing piano, then turned to him, "Yeah. Let's go."

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