"Message Over"

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          "Left foot..." Mark glazed over at the Twister Spinner, "Green." I groaned, reaching for the green circle, laying across the board. Mark was laughing his ass off as I struggled to reach the end goal. Placing my fpdown onto the circle, I cheered, "Ha! I got it! And you thought I couldn't-WOAH!" I tumbled over, landing into my back. I let out an annoyed sigh, crossing my arms across my chest, "You win." Mark smirked, "Pay Up." I rolling eyes, I pecked his lips, blushing deeply while I moved the hair out of my  face. Mark lifted my shirt and kiss my lower abdomen. I giggled, his soft lips warming the surface below my belly button. "It's so small." He cooed. "Stop!" I giggled, pushing away his face, "Your probably scaring the poor thing." "Hey!" He played, pointing at the baby bump, "I'm your father, and your going to like it!" I giggled again, "God bless it."
         "Hello everybody! My names Markiplier, and welcome back to Prop Hunt, this time With with Jack, Wade, and (Y/N). Say hello." Mark started, smiling at me from across the room. "What The fuck is that?" Wade whispered. I watched as Wade ran into a room, scream in giggles, and run back out, "I'm a dildo!" I had a giggle fit. "Wade! Let me see!" Jack and Mark whined, running up to him and examining the object. I physically faced palmed, "Now I know, where Jack and Wade are." I shot them both, giggling slightly, "We win." "Damnit!" Jack pouted. "Mark! Your girlfriend is a dirty cheater! Kill her!" Wade yelled. The sounds clicking of keys filled my ears, till Jack asked, "How's the baby?" "Baby!? What baby?!" Wade awed. "Oh, yeah. (Y/N)'s Pregnant." Mark chuckled, I saw him turn into a pot, sitting besides a tree. "How far along?" Wade asked. "My first appointment is at 3." I announced.
           "Miss (Y/N) (L/N)." The nurse called, holding open the door. I gulped my fear, standing up and wrapping an arm around my stomach. Mark quickly grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight, "I'm one with the force, the force is with me." And repeated this, over and over again in a whispered tone. The nurse smiled at me, "Good evening. Are you here for Dr. Ashely?" I nodded, smiling weakly. She giggled lightly and led us to our room, opening the door, "Please Wait. Your nurse will be here, soon." Before I could reply, she shoved us in the room and shut the door. I let out a sigh, sitting down on the examination table. "Mark. I'm worried." I spoke softly, biting my nails. "Don't be, everything's going to be fine." He smiled, rubbing my back. The door opening, revealing a distressed nurse. She had long flowing black hair, and her blue eyes filled with joy, but also some stress. "Hello." She spoke, "I'm nurse Lynn, I'll be examining your progress. If you don't mind, please lay down and lift your shirt." I did as told, glazing at Mark every now and then. Nurse Lynn let out an annoyed sigh, "Sorry, I'm having a bad day." She rubbed her red eyes, "Anyways. I'm going to apply this gel to your stomach, and it's going to be cold for a second." I nodded, watching her apply the blue gel. A shiver went down my spine, "Welp. You weren't lying, that's cold." Mark let out a soft chuckle, caressing my hand with his thumb.
           That sound, that beautiful sound. "That's your baby's heart beat." Nurse Lynn announced, "And what a beautiful baby to." Tears brimmed Mark's eyes, "Wow... just wow." "I'm going to go and get the doctor. He'll be in here soon." She announced, shutting off the machine, wiping my stomach, and leaving. I let out another sigh, holding my stomach, "Almost in the clear." "It's going be fine-" "Hello." Dr. Ashley smiled, looking at the notes sitting in his clipboard, "How is everything?" "Good, I hope." I reflected. "So. Where to start huh!" He asked, sitting into the black stool, smiling at Mark, "First time parent?" Mark nodded, running his hand through his hair, "Is it that easy to tell?" "Yep. We're experts!" Ashley cleared his throat, "So, Miss (Y/N). Your 18 weeks along, and your a little small, but that's no problem." "I should be bigger?! What am I doing wrong? Is it my diet? Or what I do-" "Some woman, don't gain weight like others. Some gain a little, others a lot. It all depends." He smiled. "It's healthy?" Mark asked, giving a worried glance and my belly. "Sure is! And that brings me to topic two....gender." Dr. Ashley looked over at me, "Would you like to know?" My mouth fell agape, "I didn't. I didn't even know I was that far along. This is a joke, right? There's no way." "It's not a joke." Dr. Ashley replied. Mark nodded, looking over at me, "I think we would like to know." I gulped my fear, dear god. "Wait. There's only one baby, right?" I asked quickly. (Daniel Ashley is the doctors name, I'm going to say Daniel now.) "Yes. There's only one baby." Daniel chuckled. I let out a pleased sigh, "Thank god." Daniel looked down at his notes, a smile lanced onto his lips, but it disappeared, "Oh, dear. This isn't good." He quickly stood up, pulling up some tabs onto his computer. Worried filled my face as I looked up at Mark. "What's wrong? What's happening?" Mark spoke, his voice cracking slightly. Daniel rubbed his face, turning back to us, "I'll leave a message on the phone for you guys. Have a good day." 

(Play the song for extra effect!)

Mark was upstairs, giggling at his game. I waited by the phone, reading a book to pass the time. Then, it gave a beep, "One message, from Dr. Daniel Ashley." I jumped up, hitting the play button. "Uh. Good evening, Miss (Y/N) and Mister Mark, it's Doctor Ashley. Um, I've got news. So, first congrats on the baby boy." A smile lit up my face, as I opened my mouth to call for Mark, Doctor Ashley continued, "But. I've got some bad news." I closed my mouth quickly. "The baby. Its- He's. He's not doing well. He's very sick, and weak. I feel like a miscarriage is in your future. Poor thing. I've scheduled another appointment just in case if you want to check in, or if you want some medicine that could probably help him. Please, call back as soon as you can. *Beep* Message over." Tears ran down my cheeks, "A miscarriage? B-but. I've done everything right. I haven't done anything stupid, I've been smart." I collapsed to the floor in a sobbing mess, "I don't want him to leave." Foot steps came pounding down the stair case, "(Y/N)? Are you okay? I heard a thud-" I looked up at him, my faced puffy from the tears.  He rushed by my side, holding me tightly, "Are you okay? What happened?" I hugged him back, sobbing into his shirt, "P-play the message." And he did, listening closely, giving off the same reaction as I did. His breath trembled, hugging me tighter than he's ever before. "I don't understand. How?" I choked. "Your still pregnant, nothing has happened yet. All we can do, is watch you carefully." He replied. "I'm so sorry Mark." I whispered, wrapping an arm around my stomach, "So sorry." 

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