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            The cold rain hit my face and shoulders. It was such a perfect day, and I ruined it. Couples were giggling and running into buildings for protection, I just hugged my body tighter. Every time I closed my eyes, I could see Mark's angry face. I'd try to shake it out of my head, but it won't go away. I looked down at my stomach, wrapping my arms around it, Better keep you warm to, huh? "Miss? Do you need an umbrella?" A young college student asked. I shook my head, "No thanks." He waved and walked off to the other direction. My (E/C) eyes laid upon a Baby store. Cribs and baby clothes, filling the windows.  I choked on my own tears and sped up,  dashing away. The hotel was just up ahead, I knew Mark, Jack, and Signe would be there. They blew up my phone two hours ago before they stopped.
            I opened the hotel door quietly, Mark was on the phone, Signe and Jack sitting on the bed. Jack was bitting his nails, while Signe was tapping her foot. "Yeah- She's been gone for a hour!" Mark's eyes laid on me, "U-Uh. Never mind." And hung up. Signe looked up at him, then to me, "(Y/N)! Dear god!" That caused Jack to look up in surprise, and confusion. Signe hugged me tightly, "We thought you died." I pushed her away, walking up to my suitcase with silence. "At least are you okay?" Jack asked. I nodded, pulling out clean clothes and some shampoos. They stayed quiet as I opened the bathroom door and shut it behind me.
              The white bubbles floated on top of the water. My speaker playing 'Soap' By Melanie Martinez. I took in a breath, and went under, my knees coming out of the water, and the rest going under.  Mark's faces flashed through my head, happiness, sadness, guilt. I felt my fingers hold my stomach, I choked on the water, quickly coming up and gasping, coughing for air. I wiped my eyes, and saw Mark sitting on the bathroom counter. I looked back down at my bubbly self. "You really scared me." He spoke. I nodded, to choked up on my own feelings to really make some words. "I though you ran away like Amy did." He crossed his arms over his chest. He's told me about this Amy girl, apparently the fans got super rude, and she couldn't take it anymore, so she left without telling Mark. "I didn't know what else to do." I spoke. "What were you even running from?" He scoffed, "From the fans? Me? The tour-" "The truth." I blurted, glaring at him. He rubbed his face, "I'm going to bed, so be quiet when you come in. Signe and Jack are already sleeping."
            I crawled into the white sheets, snuggling up to the pillow. I felt comfortable and safe. I had Mark to my right of me, and Jack across the room. Mark groaned and wrapped an arm around me, resting his hand on my stomach. I placed my hand on top of his and sigh, "I can't run from you." I whispered.
               I woke up, Mark and Jack already gone. They always had to get up  early to get ready for their shows. Signe was on her computer drawing. "Morning." I yawned. She giggled, "Morning sleepyhead." I stretched and checked my phone, dread filling my body.
We need to talk.
Why did you hide this?
You told Jack? And Signe!
Your unbelievable.
Some Girlfriend you are.
Fucking Whore.
        Sobs escaped my lips as I placed my phone next to me. "(Y/N)?" Signe grabbed my phone, reading the text. "Ugh. That asshole." She dailed his number, I listened to it ring. She put it on Speaker. "Hello-" "Alright, asshole. Where are you?" She growled. "About to go on stage, wait. Signe why do you have (Y/N)'s phone?" Mark asked. "Just because she's pregnant, doesn't mean you can treat her like that asshole!" Signe yelled. "Wait. She's pregnant?" He choked. "Signe, hang up." I demanded. "Fuck you." And she clicked the red button. She threw a pair of clothes at me, "Come on."
           "Signe. Why are we here?" I asked, looking at the auditorium. "We're going to talk to Jack." She muttered.  I nodded and opened the door. "Hey! It's Signe! And (Y/N)!" Fans called, "Two whores in one!" Signe grabbed my hand and pushed me through the crowd, "Guys, please move, we have something important to do." "Yeah, like get rich off your boyfriends career." They snickered. One guy pulled me back by my hair, and threw me into the floor. "(Y/N)!" Signe cried, before another fan grabbed her arms and held her back.  "Guys, I don't mean any harm." I announced. "Shut up." A girl pushed me to the floor, "You took Mark from us." "Guys! Stop!" Some fans urged. "What else is she going to steal from us?! Huh!" They yelled, slapping my face. I quickly covered my stomach, some protection at least. "Why are you covering your stomach, huh?" A strong female ripped my hands away, "Hold her." Tears began streaming down my face. Throwing a quick punch to my stomach, I cried out in pain, the air leaving my body. "Shit! Guards!" Someone called. They let go and fled. I fell to the floor, clutching my stomach tightly. Signe quickly rushed over to me, yelling to the guards, "Get Mark! Get Jack! Now!"

.:Mark's POV:.
       I stated intently at Ethan's face, ready to say my next line when some guards and Jack rushed in, "Mark! It's your girlfriend." I dropped everything, apologizing to the crowd and rushing by Jack's side. "What happened?" I asked. Jack looked at me with sorrow, "Your fans attacked her." My eyes became glossy as I picked up speed, running out the entrance. And there she was, grasping her stomach in pain, a little blood dripping from her lip. I could hear her cries. "(Y/N)!" I sobbed, running down the steps, sliding over to her. Signe glared at me, pushing me back, "You have no right to be around her! You blame her for getting pregnant! You asshole!" "I didn't know! I haven't had my phone at all. The guards handed it to me once they saw my girlfriend was calling me." I sobbed. "It's true." Jack agreed. Signe covered her face, "Stupid fans." She moved aside, letting me get to (Y/N). "Hey, Beautiful." I smiled weakly. "M-Mark. I tried to protect the baby, but they. They moved my hands a-away." She sobbed. I settled her onto my lap, running my fingers through her hair, "Sh. It's okay." An ambulance pulled up, the nurses rushing out and grabbing her hands, "We'll give her a check up. Need a ride?" I nodded and tossed Jack my keys.
       .:Your POV:.
       "Everything looks fine." The doctor announced. Mark and I both let out a sigh. "You got lucky, Mrs. (L/N)." He Shut off the machine and gather his things, leaving us. I put my head down, "We don't have to have it." "Are you kidding me?" Mark cried. I looked over at him. "That's our baby in there. We're keeping it." He smiled. "I thought you were going to leave." I smiled. Then he went quiet.
           The mechanical hospital doors opened. Jack and Signe were talking with each other, propped against our car. Then, Mark picked me up and spun me around, "Your Pregnant! Your pregnant! Holy shit!" I giggled, as he set me down, "Yeah, we are." "Wait." His face went blank, "I'm going to be a dad?" I nodded, "I think you are." His smile went bright as he ran around the parking lot, his hands up in the air screaming, "I'm going to be a dad!" I giggled as he made it back to me, placing his lips onto mine. He pulled away, "We're having a baby." He picked me up, kissing my stomach, "My sperm is the best! First try!" I heard Jack chuckle from the distance. He put me back down, and continued to kiss my stomach, "Baby Iplier." "Baby Iplier." I repeated.

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