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.: Two Weeks Later...:.
             "Good evening passengers. Welcome to Seattle. We're about to land so please, put on your seat beats, place your chairs in an upright position, and stow away your tables. Please relax and enjoy the rest of your flight." The intercom spoke. I looked over at Mark, who was completely passed out, looking peaceful as ever. It would be horrible if someone woke him up. "Mark! Mark! The planes going down!" I cried in his ear, making sure I wouldn't freak anyone else out. "What!" Mark screamed, looking around in shock. "Sir, please keep your voice down." A flight attendant ordered. Mark nodded embarrassedly and turned to me, "Your going to get it when we get off this place! You here me!" He chuckled playfully and kissed my cheek, "Playing." "How was your nap?" I asked. "Good, up until the point I heard the plane was going down." He glared at me, "That was mean, by the way." I scoffed, "That was mean making me go to this panel."
               "Hello~" Mark sang, sitting in between Jack and Bob. I was supposed to sit next to Wade once he got called out there. "Alright. Who do you want to see next, Wade, or (Y/N)?" Mark asked, smiling out to the crowd. "Wade!" They screamed. Wade hugged me, "Wish me good luck." "Why?" I giggled. "I'm going to make a fool of myself. Tell Molly I love her." With that, Wade ran out onto stage, dabbing the whole way to his seat. Jack quickly jumped up, double dabbing, "I am the one, one the only one that gets respect." (I don't know that song, sorry if I offend anyone!) I giggled and rolled my eyes, Dear god, save them all.  "Alright. Next, is the some beautiful, kind- sometimes- girl in the world,
(Y/N) (L/N)!" Mark announced, smiling at me. Some people cheered, they were louder than the people booing. I did a small wave to the crowd and sat down next to Wade, who have my a high five. "Time for questions!" Jack yelled.
(Questions will be in bold. The person speaking will have the first letter of there name.)

Who would be the best person to be in a zombie apocalypse with?
J: I'd say Mark, just because he the most manly out of all of us.
W: I agree with that. Though, Bob would be a great comic relief.
B: Well I'm going with Mark, I'm fucking living.
M: I'm going with myself to-
J: You big headed a-hole!
(Y/N): I'm going to go with Bob. The biggest thing you want is to keep you sanity, and I think Bob is the person to keep that.
*Bob nodded proudly at me, giving a thumbs up.*
Whose better? Jack, or Mark?
*Everyone turns to me*
(Y/N): Why are you looking at me? I don't know, their both pretty horrible.
W&B: Next question!
Is Septiplier dead? 'Cause I think (Y/N) fucked it up.
J: Septiplier was never alive to begin with, it never happened, we're not gay.
M: Yeah, (Y/N) didn't fuck, anything up. Next question.
Mark, how did you find someone so beautiful like (Y/N).
M: I made my dogger, Chica, run over (Y/N). And we met at a convention once before to, I signed her Apple Computer.
J: And sorry all you fan girls, you can't do that to any of us. We're all married, or currently dating some girl.
Are any of you jealous that Mark has such a beautiful girl like (Y/N).
J: Pft. What? No. I'm kidding, I'm very happy with the Woosh, I love her very dearly. *Everyone awes* I'm not lying! I love her, you her tat Wooshier! *Signe blows kiss to him* See she get me.
Why are you all hanging out with someone so ugly like (Y/N)? She's just dragging you guys down, she's a horrible person.
B: She's not a horrible person, I know her very lightly, and she's really sweet and caring.
W: I agree. (Y/N) is a real sweetheart. You guys don't know her like we do.
J: Guys, just please stop them hate. Don't hate our loved ones, cause it's hurting us to. Just stop it.
M: Please don't hate them, please. (Y/N) means a lot to me, and I hate seeing her hurt.
Fan: Then stop bringing her everywhere you go! She's only using you for your money and fame!
(Y/N): I don't love Mark for that. I love him because he's funny, and an idiot. And you got to love people like that, there's no reason not to. But, if Mark was a really poor man, I'd still love him, because he's a goof ball.
Mark! Quickly! Kiss (Y/N)!
M: Um. I don't know. Some people might not want to see t-
J: Come on, Markimoo! Don't be embarrassed!
W: It's just one kiss in public, Mark.
M: *Goan* Come here (Y/N).
           I covered my blush and walked over to him, "What do I do?" He smirked and patted his lap, "Sit." Everyone laughed. "Mark." I whispered, "You better not embarrass me." He chuckled as I sat on his lap, looking at him. He looked over at Jack, "Do you and Signe do this?" Jack flicked him off. Mark looked back at him and kissed my lips, slipping his tongue in. I cupped his face, then wrapped my arms around his neck. "Alright! It said kiss! Not make out!" Jack announced. I pushed myself away from Mark, "I told you not to embarrass me! You so mean!" "Sorry, beautiful. I had to get you back for the plane ride." He smirked.

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