Seven- Soft Core

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Rainbow's pov

I slid to the floor in the elevator.

"Great." I sighed. "Just great." Of all the people in the world, why did it have to be Opal?

I'd already been stressed when I first went downstairs to get the mail before Morgan and I left. Seeing Opal just made things worse.

I've always been a flirt. So naturally when I developed a crush on her, I tried to do what I l'd usually do to attract someone. But Opal was different. She was... Unique. Anyone else at Crystal Prep would have jumped at the chance to get as close to me as she was, but she didn't care. And in the end, I made her hate me.

The elevator dinged as it reached the fourteenth floor. The doors opened and I checked the hallway to make sure that she wasn't there. Sighing with relief, I walked back to my dorm.

"Where's the mail?" Morgan asked when I got back. She was laying on her bed checking her phone.

"In the box." I said, tossing my keys onto my desk. "I couldn't get it."

"Too many people in the way?" She asked, sitting up.

"Just one." I replied, grabbing my phone to check the few messages I had.

"Then why couldn't you get the mail?" I hesitated.

"It's complicated." I read the texts I got. They were all from my mom.

She was finally going to pack up some of the things from Rose's room.

What should I do? I thought for a minute.

I'll come home next weekend for Labor day. Wait until then.

"Hello, Earth to Rainbow?"

"Huh?" I looked up at Morgan.

"Are you deaf? I asked you who was at the mailbox."

"Oh." I shook my head. "Just... Someone from school that I can't talk to just yet."

"Weren't you the almighty goddess-among-men Rainbow Quartz at school?" Morgan asked.

"Not to this girl." I answered. "I was anything but."

An hour later, Opal was no where to be seen as Morgan and I made our way to the party. It was being held at a rental house off campus that was just far enough to walk to using the bike trail that ran past the dorms.

"Are you ready for the greatest night of your life?" Morgan asked. I nodded.

"Bring it." She opened the door and surprisingly, it was less hectic walking in than I expected.
"Hey ladies. Any car keys go in the bowl next to the coat rack, nobody drives home drunk." A guy said as he walked past.

"This is... Calm." I said quietly.

"Oh yeah. Half the people in here can legally drink anyway, so what's the point of going crazy? Especially when they could get in trouble for underage drinking." Morgan said with a smirk. In my previous experience, alcohol had been bought off of siblings or friends for way more than it was worth.

"It's nice. No pressure to get blackout drunk." Morgan laughed.

"Is that the worst you've done? Damn, get in here."

It wasn't my first time being at a party with drugs, I'll make that clear. But usually weed or some pain pills were the worst there, and I'd certainly never gone close enough to see it. But the kind of drugs at this party were enough to haunt me for a lifetime.

"Dude, chill!" Morgan yelled, seeing my discomfort. She placed something in her mouth and washed it down with a sip of whatever she'd managed to get a cup of in the five seconds I'd spaced out.

"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back!" I yelled over the music and chatter, and made my way to a small bathroom.

I sighed. It was a wonder I made it out of the room sober. This was exactly what I wanted to avoid. When people get drunk, they lose control. I'd taken my sister to one party, and if I hadn't been drunk maybe I could have stopped her from getting pregnant. And then maybe she'd still have been alive.

I shook my head. If I spent much longer in the bathroom, Morgan would get suspicious. I decided I'd have one drink and leave. Moderation at a party would be the first step to shedding my image.

"Dude! Where've you been?" Morgan asked, obviously drunk and high. I sighed.

"We have to go. I need to do something tomorrow and I can't be up all night looking after you." I practically dragged her to the door and supported her weight as we walked home.

"Dude, you're such a buzzkill!" She complained.

"Well someone has to be."

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