Forty-Three-Things Better Left Unsaid

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RIP Happy Lappy Chappys

Lapis's Pov

"So why'd you do it?" I slammed my locker shut and Hess was standing next to it. I guess I was wrong when I thought that only happened in movies.

"Do what?" She leaned back against the lockers.

"Oh, you know... Abandon your only friend for Red's sake?" I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't abandon her, we just... grew apart." I threw my bag over my shoulder. "And I didn't do it for Red. Why are you here?"

"Can't pay my dear friend a visit?" She snickered, then stared out the windows.

"I thought you didn't like to take time to enjoy the view. Thought you 'moved too fast'." She snickered again.

"Did Red tell you that? Jesus, he's even dumber than he used to be." She shook her head and smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously. Hess laughed again and finally turned to look at me.

"Listen up, Lazuli. Red's only dating you because he couldn't handle me. You were just the next best thing. And before you try to say that things are 'special' or whatever with you, just remember how many other girls he's said that to." She smirked and walked away, trailing her hand along lockers as she walked. I grumbled and kicked my locker.

The tv was on. The news. Jasper wasn't out there.

"I'm home," I called, immediately beelining for the kitchen without taking off my bag or coat. I glanced into the living room, where my mother stared mindlessly at the tv with Mali resting against her chest.

"How was your day?" She asked, still focused on the news. I took off my coat and dropped it with my bag next to the island, grabbing a handful of grapes from the fridge.

"Good," I replied, seating myself in the armchair near the tv. "Uneventful. Yours?" She nodded. I frowned and glanced up at the tv, popping a grape into my mouth. The news didn't sound very interesting, just a story about some previous governor of Virginia.

Finally, the channel went to commercials, and she turned to look at me.

"Have you been keeping your grades up?" I nodded. "Good." She took a deep breath and leaned back. "Has your arrangement with your coach been working out?" I nodded again. She sighed. "You know we can't keep doing this, Lapis." I sighed and nodded.

"I know."

"I'm trying as hard as I can and Yellow's helping as much as possible, but..." She sighed again. "You have to put in the most effort." I sighed.

"I'm trying."

"Try harder."

"It's not that simple." She sighed.

"Nothing important ever is. I'm doing this for you, just remember that." I nodded again.

"I know."

Half an hour later I was in my room waiting for Hess to pick up the phone. I didn't even know why I had her number, I guess it was just a formality.

"Lazuli," Her snide voice finally rang through. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" I sighed.

"What you said about Red earlier. What did you mean by that?" She snickered a bit, but the other lie was mostly quiet.

"You sure you wanna know?" I took a deep breath.

"Yes." There was the sound of water rippling a bit.

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