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Rainbow's Pov

"So you told her then?" I sighed.

"That you're psychotic and think you have any control over who I do or don't associate with? Sorry, must have slipped my mind." I said, with the fakest smile I could muster at the end. Morgan sighed and sat down on her bed.

"You're a hopeless case, Rainbow. Just tell me what happened." I rolled my eyes. Since when was I at her beck and call?

"I just told her that I felt like we've grown apart." I noticed the unconvinced look on Morgan's face. "That's it." Morgan sighed.

"Whatever. Hey, where are you going anyway?"


"Out where?" Out so I can call my mom without you listening.

"Just out." I left the dorm a took a relieved breath. I needed to call my mom back. She'd called me earlier when I was in class.

"Hey, Mom," I said, sitting on a bench outside.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?"

"Good, you?"

"I'm good." There was a stiffness in her voice.

"Are you okay Mom?" She sighed.

"Honey, I've been talking to Tahitia..." Shit. I wondered briefly if this was about what I'd sai to Opal the week before.

"What's up?" She hesitated.

"I think I'm going to sell the house." If I had a drink, it'd be everywhere.


"It's just so hard to keep it up by myself, sweetheart. And so lonely."

"But I'll be back next month! You won't be alone then!" I insisted. "Why?" She sighed.

"Sweetheart, you don't understand how hard it is to be here by myself. It's so quiet, and the house hardly feels lived in.  But mostly... it's hard to go into your sister's room every day. It's like the second I step inside the air becomes thick. And it's all I can do to not break down and cry while watering her plants. I can't live like this, Rainbow. I can't live surrounded by the ghosts of our past. Were not a family anymore. This house belongs with a family." I wiped tears out of my eyes.

"At least... at least wait until I get home, okay? Before you make any decisions."

"Alright sweetheart. I'll have to talk to your father about it too." I almost scoffed.

"Why? I doubt he'll care." I hadn't spoken to him since Rose's funeral. He didn't even send me a card for Christmas or my birthday.

"Because he lived here too. Besides, he and Natalia might want to-"

"Screw what he and Natalia want to do." Mom sighed.

"You shouldn't talk about her like that."

"Why not?" I asked, dumbfounded. "He cheated on you with her." She sighed again.

"I guess you didn't get one then."

"Get what?" I shook my head. "Hold on." I entered the lobby and grabbed the mail from my box. Sure enough, sitting on top with a fancy silver ribbon was a wedding invitation and a letter from my father. I went back outside to read it.

"You, Rainbow Quartz, are hereby invited to the wedding of Lionel Quartz and Natalia Brantley." I tossed it on the bench beside me.

"So they're getting married? Nice of him to call me when he proposed." I sighed. "Did you know?" Mom chuckled a bit.

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