Seventy-Two-Sweet Home

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Sugilite's Pov

I couldn't move out quick enough. My roommate was nice enough I guess, but she and I never talked much because she was never in the room, so I didn't feel too bad about leaving. Alex came to help me pack up, and we went out for ice cream afterwards.

"It's gonna be weird going home, y'know? I've spent all this time off in the world as my own person, and now I'll be going back to Beach City. It's gonna feel so small now, ND I'm gonna be a stranger almost." I watched a plane go by and started eating my ice cream.

"Yeah, I guess." Alex said, starting to eat her sundae. "You'll have to tell me how it is." I looked back down at her.

"You're not coming home for the summer?" She shook her head.

"I told you, I live here now. There's no use in me going back to Beach City anyway. I'm nineteen, I've aged out of the system. I don't have a home to go back to." I nodded.

"Well still. If you ever want to come visit, we'll be waiting for you." Alex looked up at me.

"Where are you going to go?"

"What?" I asked, using a napkin to wipe up some ice cream that had dripped.

"When you go back to Beach City, are you going to your Dad's house or Opal's house?"

"Huh. I guess I hadn't thought about it. Probably my Dad's, since I'm taking Ames for the summer."

"Do you really want to put her back in that situation?"

"No, but I have to. Tahitia's done too much for us already. Besides, I need to check up on my Dad anyway. I haven't spoken tk him in a while, and even though he's an asshole he's still my Dad. I have to make sure he hasn't drank himself into a hole." Alex nodded.

"Just promise me you'll stay safe."

"I promise."

We finished our ice cream, then drove around and talked for a bit. When I finally dropped her off at her apartment, I got out of the car and offered her a hug.

"I'll see you soon, Alex."

"Bye, Sugi!" I watched her get inside safely then nodded to myself, preparing for the long drive home.

It was almost dark when I finally got home. Dad's truck was in the driveway, but the lights were off inside.

"I swear to God if the electricity's off..." I shook my head, opening the door.

"I'm home!" I yelled, hoping he was at least conscious.

"Ramona?" My Dad called from the couch. I sighed, and walked over to him.

"No, Sugilite."

"Oh." He rubbed his head. From the way he was sitting, I could tell he'd just woken up. I sat down beside him.

"Are you okay? Is everything alright?" He nodded.

"I missed you."

"Missed your maid."

"Missed my daughter." He corrected me. "And I miss your sister too." I looked at him.

"Are you sober?"

"Of course I am. Been sober for two months." I was a little shocked to say the least.

"Really? I wouldn't expect that considering..." I looked around the room, littered with bottles and cans as per usual.

"I knew I should've cleaned them up, I just... Couldn't." I nodded, still processing.

"Its dark in here. Is the electricity on?"

"It should be." I reached over and turned on a lamp, looking at my dad in good lighting for the first time. He looked tired, but he looked sober.

"You look tired."

"I've been working a lot of overtime. Gotta fill the time that beer can't." I nodded. It was weird to have a conversation like this with my dad. "I'm sorry." I looked up at him.


"I'm sorry. I'm not a good father, I never was. Your Mom and I were unprepared for kids and had no idea we'd be giving them such a fucked up life. I really wish I could see your sister again and apologize to her. She got it worse." I nodded.

"Yeah, she did." I hesitated, wondering if I should tell him about her current living conditions. "I got permission to take her over the summer." He perked up.

"Really?" I nodded.

"Yeah. But we've got some work to do. We're cleaning this house tonight. Then you're going to get a good night's sleep. We'll go grocery shopping tomorrow. That sound okay?" He nodded.

"Anything for you two."

I sent him to take care of the bottles and cans while I took care of the dishes. I was proud of him for getting sober, it actually looked like he'd made an effort to clean up a little. Within a couple of hours the kitchen and living room looked almost better than they did when I was cleaning the house on the regular. Dad had recycled the bottles and cans and had the deposit money, which he offered to me for gas. I checked the time and decided it was time for him to go to bed.

"Go. I've got some unpacking to do then I'd like to clean my room. Goodnight." He hugged me.

"I love you."

"I love you too, now go to bed." He nodded and left, heading off to his bedroom. I didn't want to look at the mess in there just yet, so I turned to mine and Amethyst's rooms.

I hadn't gone in either of them yet. It wasn't just because they were messy-when the rest of your house is a dump, cleaning your room feels useless- but it was because I wasn't quite ready to reopen that chapter of my life yet. I took a deep breath and opened the door. It looked like Dad hadn't gone in my room, so it looked exactly the way it did when I left.

The bed wasn't made, it was still messy from the last time I'd gotten out of bed in a rush over a year ago. Some of my favorite clothes were scattered across the floor, both clean and dirty. Magazines and papers from school were everywhere and on top of my dresser was a pile of everything I'd picked up off the floor and dropped the carelessly over the course of a few years. My nightstand was a mess and collecting dust, and through the broken door to my closet I could see another pile of random belongings.

I sighed and decided to get to work, first unpacking all of my clothes into my dresser, then collecting all of the clothes off the floor into a hamper. I decided that it probably wasn't worth it to do much laundry at the moment, so I only stuck my blankets and sheets into the washer before returning to take care of the nightstand. I figured the dresser and closet could stay messy for now as long as the floor and my bed were clean.

Once I got my sheets out of the dryer and onto my bed, I laid down on top of them and took a deep breath for the first time in a long time. It'd been too long since I'd slept in my own bed, and it felt good to be home. Of course I loved being at the Baroque's house, but even I had to admit there was something nice about being home.

I was really hopeful for my dad. I loved him a lot, even if he'd done some terrible things. But if he kept his sobriety and I was able to help him get better at keeping the house clean, then maybe Amethyst would be able to come home and we could be a happy family. I just wanted everything to work out.

(A/N) I'm so excited!!! We're getting close to the end and I can't wait for you guys to see how I wrap this one up!!!

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