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Rainbow's Pov

"You're leaving already?" Morgan's snarky remark came from the doorway.

"Um, yeah? Exams are over. My dad's getting married next weekend, and I'm done here." I said, zipping my suitcase. My mom was down in the parking lot tossing a box of my clothes in her car. Morgan scoffed and sat down on her bed.

"What am I supposed to do here by myself?" I shrugged.

"I don't know, pack? Leave? We've gotta be out by next weekend anyway. What, are you just going to sit here alone for a week and feel sorry for yourself?" She threw a shoe at me. "Ow! Hey wait, is this mine?" Morgan sighed and threw its match. I reluctantly reopened my suitcase.

"It's just not fair, Opal. You could've given me warning."

"But I did, Morgan. I told you last month that my dad was getting married and I was leaving early to go spend time with his new wife." Morgan pushed herself off of her bed and came up behind me, draping herself over my shoulders.

"We're going to see each other this summer, right?" I pushed her off of me.

"Sure, whatever. Just let me pack." Morgan sighed and snooped through some of my now scattered things.

"You know, I've been thinking about moving east this summer."

"You're not going back home?"

"Nah. I don't think they'd want me back." I raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah. I'm too much trouble." She smirked. I realized that, while Morgan knew a lot about my home life, I knew virtually nothing about hers.

"What did you do at home? For fun?" She held up her practically shattered phone.

"Escape. Go on the internet. Follow people on Twitter..." She trailed off with a smirk that made me roll my eyes.

"I get it, okay? You follow me on social media. When I googled your name, fan accounts came up. I know." I was slightly surprised when she didn't look shocked at all.

"Oh, I know that you know, Rainbow. And it's okay that you googled me. I would've googled you too, if I didn't already know who you were." Something about the way she said it unsettled me. It sent shivers straight to my core. For once, I fully understood just how creepy our situation was.

"Morgan, this is creepy." She seemed to snap out of it and went back to her normal, grouchy self.

"What is?"

"This whole... Thing. You having those fan accounts. It never really used to bother me that people made fan accounts because it never really felt real before. But now here I am, having spent months living with someone who's obsessed with me, and-"

"I am not obsessed!" Morgan snapped. "I just liked your pictures. Before I found out that you were a bitch." She glared at me and left. I sighed. After a minute, my mom came in.

"Hey, baby girl. How much more do you have?" I shrugged.

"I have my suitcase here, and... I don't know, just some miscellaneous stuff. Like my laptop and makeup or whatever." Mom smiled.

"Well, I'll get your computer and your makeup packed in this bag here, okay? And you can take your suitcase down to your car." I nodded and grabbed my suitcase.

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too sweetheart." I dragged my suitcase into the elevator and prepared myself for the May heat. It was early, about ten o'clock, and most people were still asleep, but it was already pretty warm.

I was upset that I didn't even have a full day between moving out and going to see Dad. Mom had gotten here early to help so I could head out to Dad's place that night. I had to admit, I didn't give her enough credit.

"Hey, Rainbow!" I heard as I dragged the suitcase across the lobby. I looked over to the mailboxes and saw Opal waving at me.

"Hey. What's up with the golf hat?" Opal glanced up.

"Oh, you mean the visor?" She asked, tapping it with her finger. "I dunno." She shrugged. "It's bright out there. Oh, I saw your mom. So you're really leaving now and going to your dad's place tonight?" I sighed.

"Yup. Can't wait." Opal laughed.

"That sucks. I'm leaving tomorrow, and then once I get back to Beach City? I'm not leaving for a month!" I laughed.

"God, I wish that were me. Anyhow, I gotta get this to my car. I'll see you later." Opal smiled.

"Bye Rainbow. Also, watch out. It's bright out there."

Opal was right. I wasn't even halfway to my car before the sun had gotten to me. By the time I got to my car, I could hardly see well enough to find my sunglasses.

"Bright out here, isn't it?" I turned around and smiled.

"Hey, Mom. Is that everything?" She nodded.

"Everything but the kitchen sink. You wanna head back up and say goodbye?"

"To Morgan? No, I'm good." I didn't know how to tell my mom how I really felt about Morgan, so I let it rest. "Are we ready?" Mom nodded.

"Yep. See you at home." We hugged, then got in our cars and left. I was so happy to finally be going home that the ride seemed to go by faster than ever. When we got home, it felt so good to know that I was finally home, even if I had to turn around and leave again. Once Mom and I had brought everything into the house, I sighed.

"I can't believe it. I literally only have enough time to pack before I have to leave again. It's stupid. I don't even want to go."

"Then don't," Mom said, getting a drink of water. "It's  not like your father would care." I sighed.

"You're right, but he made it sound like Natalia really cares about it. As much as I hate to admit it, I really don't wanna piss her off yet." Mom nodded and smiled.

"Better get packing then, huh?" I smiled.

"Yeah, I should."

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