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Peridot's Pov

"Yellen, have you seen my glasses?" I inquired, stepping into my sister's room.

"No." Yellen replied, not looking up from her paper. I sighed and walked over to her.

"Are you sure?"


"Then what are these?" I asked, grabbing my glasses from her face. Yellen finally looked up at me.

"Those weren't my reading glasses?" I shook my head.

"They don't even look similar, Yellen." Yellen sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"I don't think growing it out is worth it. That's probably what's making me so spazzy." I chuckled.

"As if you haven't always been a spazz?" Yellen snorted.

"I guess you're right." Her phone chimed, and she looked at it, sighing.

"I thought you silenced your phone while you were working? And what's wrong?"

"Jasper's what's wrong. She found out that my friends practically disowned me, and why. She's been harassing me." I studied her, perplexed.

"Why don't you just tell Mother?" She shook her head.

"I can't. Mom can't know why they disowned me."

"What happened?" She shook her head.

"You can't know either." I sighed.

"You're not making this easy." Yellen nodded.

"I'm sorry." Suddenly, something clicked.

"How long has Jasper been doing this?"

"I don't know, since like the Holidays?" I gasped.

"That's it! That's what Pearl didn't want me to worry about!"


"Come on!" I grabbed Yellen by the arm and pulled her off of her chair. "We're going to Pearl's house!"

Twenty minutes later we stood on the front porch to the Baroque residence. Tahitia's car wasn't in the driveway, which meant that she was at work.

"Is Pearl even home?" I nodded.

"She should be." I knocked on the door, and a few moment's later Pearl answered.

"Peridot? Yellen? Why are you two here?" She paused for a moment. "It's freezing. Come inside." We entered and hung our coats on the hanger nailed to the wall.

"Pearl, can I ask you something?" Pearl nodded.

"Of course."

"Are you being harassed by Jasper?" Pearl fell silent.

"She's been texting me and threatening me about stuff." Yellen admitted. "She found out about something and she's threatening to tell everybody at Crystal Prep." She looked down. "It's bad." Pearl finally nodded.

"She's been threatening me too. And making fun of me. It's getting really bad again..." Pearl started to sob, leaning her head on my shoulder. I patted her back.

"Why don't you tell your mother? Or Opal?" Pearl shook her head.

"No. They'd unenroll me from Crystal Prep immediately." Yellen nodded.

"I understand. But we need to tell someone. We need... a support group!" I looked at her, then nodded.

"We could call Amethyst. She has firsthand experience with all of Jasper's antics." Yellen nodded.

"That's good, but I have someone closer to home in mind." I looked at her, confused.


"Sapphire Corundum."

(A/N) Heyo! So yeah the big plotline for Peri and gang is gettin goin now. Also I think at one point in my random facts or a reply to a comment I said who Jasper's mother was, but I take it back her mother wasn't a canon character.

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