Chapter four

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As Hechiou sat down with his two boxes of Pocky(is that how you spell it?) I started to eat the Cheeburg my mom made for me last night.

"Hechiou what is your real name?" Hechiou gave me his death glare for the second time today." REALLY SHITTY BRAT DID YOU REALLY JUST ASK ME THAT?" I start to fidget my hands wondering if he'll kick me or punish me in some other crazy way.

He started to come closer to me and whispered in my ear........"I will tell you but you will address me as Hechiou when we are out in public.  Then if we are alone you call me by my real name". "Ok sir!" I tell him.

"It's Levi ". He starts to get closer and closer to me. He sticks a pocky stick in my mouth and bit the tip off. "Have the rest"

Time skip

" Oi Yeager for your first task I want you to clean the windows." I begun to grab the pale of water to clean the windows and Levi mumbled something.

I cleaned most of the windows but Levi told me" Oi Brat  you missed a spot in the lower right corner"  bending over I start to clean that spot. I can hear Levi laughing to himself.

" why are you laughing Levi?" He starts to come over to me and grabs my arms. " l- Levi what-" he starts to help me clean while putting his face closer to mine.

I stand back up because Levi was leaning on me as I was bending over. He looked at me in the cutest way ever. "Mmmmmnnnnnng!!!!" I let out a noise not knowing what just happened.

I can feel my lips get very warm. I realized that Levi was kissing me! He then moved on to my neck nipping at it. " ahhh L- Levi" I moaned. I start to turn bright red.

Levi then stopped and told me to get back to work. I did as I was told.

After lunch I went to go to the bathroom and I noticed a red spot on my neck. Levi has given me a hickey marking me as his.

To be continued ................


I know this chapter it shorter then Levi (Lmao)but I am really just too tired. It took me two hours to write these and five hours of writing on paper to plan the story and I have school tomorrow . Thank you for reading and have a good day!!!😊

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