Chapter therteen

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( it has been about a year and Eren moved in with Levi. They are on summer vacation)

I woke up and I could see Eren sleeping. I got up and started to make breakfast. Eren got up and put his arms around my waist. "What are you cooking my lovely boyfriend?" "Waffles"

"Eren you can stand after last night?!" I can see him blush as I said that. "Y-yes but it really hurts" "oi go lay down and I will serve you" "ok but-" "what the hell is it Eren?" "When are you going to propose to me?"

"Tch I don't know maybe when I have enough money to buy you a 250,000¥ ring." I already had double that amount to spend on roses and a ring. "You don't need to spend all of that money on me. All I need is your love"

I blush and tched. I made Eren's waffles. I lay there and got up. "Will you go out with me Eren?" I said very nervously. "Of corse how about tonight?" I nod and walk off to make Eren's and my tea. I also made some more waffles for me and more for Eren.

I look at Eren and told him"I love you Eren" he smiled and replied with"I love you too"

I head off to the ring shop and told Eren that I'm going to look at some of the fancy restaurants. I first go to the Fallen Walls Jewelers and they had no really expansive rings for Eren.

Then I go to Wall Maria's Treasures. That had a lot of rings I go up to the lady and ask her that I was proposing to my boyfriend. I hear a really loud voice yelling " OOHHHHHHH LEVI!" Oh god it's shitty glasses. "What the fuck do you want shitty glasses?!"

"Levi don't swear there are children in here!" I look around and see a child look at me with the cutest face ever. I smile and wave. "I'm here to get Eren something." "I KNEW IT YOU WANT TO MARRY EREN!!!!" "So what if I do?" "So who's last name are you taking?" "I let Eren decide on that"

Hanji stared at me and started to get a nosebleed. "AHHHH SO WHOS ON TOP AND WHOS ON BOTTOM. DID YOU ALREADY SUCK HIS D-" " god damn Hanji there are children!" "GET BACK TO WORK HANJI!!!" I heard Hanji's boss yell at here. " Yes sir!" Hanji helped me pick out a ring for Eren.

Most of the time she stood their and fangirled while having a nosebleed. She must be on her damn period. I get reservations at Shingeki Dinner. I also got tickets to go see a movie. I ask the people if they could do something to help me propose to Eren. Of course they said yes.

I went back home and started to get ready for our date. We got into the car and I had the ring in my pocket. I got the ring for over 250,000¥. It will be worth it. I just know Eren will stay yes.

We got to go on our date and I payed. I had to make sure that he will become mine forever. I want to make this the best night of his life! We started to watch a movie. It was the live action Attack on Titan. Eren looked soo interested in the movie.

The movie was over and said on the screen "but before you go I have an announcement" Eren look at the screen. he looked at the screen and it read " Eren Yeager will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

Eren looked at me and started to cry. The theater was very quiet. "E-Eren?" Eren then grabbed me pulling me into a hug. I got down on my knees and asked him " will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me and become my handsome prince?" Eren collapsed in tears of joy.

Everyone then started to clap and cheer for Eren and I. We started to kiss and I even started to cry tears of joy. I put the ring on Eren's ring finger. I then kiss the ring saying.

" I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I will help you during the hardest time of your life. I will wipe the tears of pain away. Our child will be happy. We will be the best fathers ever. So please let me take your last name and call you mine forever. Eren Yeager I love you and I want you to know that for ever and ever." "I love you Levi and yes you can take my last name and yes.................. our future children will be happy"

"wait you did not answer my first question" "Levi I will meowy you!" " god dammit Eren speak like a human" I said very joyfully and sarcastically. I did not mind him speaking like a cat " now let's go home you cat" "ok my handsome prince".  

To be continued......................

Thank you all for reading
  Love y'all peace out!

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