Chapter 7~Moving

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A/N-House to the right 

Zoey POV

I woke up to a sound asleep Harry next  to me. I stood up, grabbed a towel and a change of clothes before heading towards the shower. I can't believe we are going on tour in 2 DAYS!! As I entered the bathroom I noticed my hair dryer and hair straightener were gone. I think I know the culprit. I snuck into Marnis Bedroom and looked around and BABBOOM! there they were hidden in her underwear drawer. I  ran back to my room but when I did I over heard louis and Harry talking, I guess Harry had finally woken up. "WHAT!" Louis yelled "Why havn't you told her!" "I will, I will tonight" Harry replied. I instantly knew it was about Harry being Marnis Brother. I just returned back into my room and took a shower.

As I stepped out of my Bathroom it was 10:38am. I headed downstairs wearing my shorts and white tanktop. I sat down at the table and ate my cornflakes. The boys were helping Paul move our boxes down to the van. While Marni and I ate our brekky. I finished doing our dishes before Marni and I headed down to the van. "Hey babe" Harry smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. We broke apart before heading towards the car. We were finally moving! AWESOMENESS! We sat in before the driver started heading towards our new home. "LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!" Marni yelled, "Ok" we all said. "I'll start" I said with an evil grin on my face. PAY BACK TIME!!!

Marni POV

"Marni Truth or Dare?" Zoey asked me, great she was getting payback. "Truth" I said. "If Louis wasn't your boyfriend who would you date in this car?" she said. Kill me now . I looked around the car and saw my toy penguin. Mwahahah evilness . "Mr Penguin" i replied pointing towards the penguin. She looked defeated and crossed her arms. "Glad you would pick me over a toy" Louis said sarcasticaly, I gave him a smile before snuggling up to him.

Talking, bad jokes and several arguments about Potatoes and Carrots later we arrived at our new house. Holy Shiz! It was Gorgeous! It was a two story modern looking home! It was on a 3 1/2 acre block. It had beautiful gardens out the front and an angel like statue near the small hedge. We walked in and I was gobsmacked. It was the most beautiful interior EVER!. After admiring the inside I realised, I had to act quickly before Zoey or Niall thought of this. "I CALL DIBS ON BIGGEST BEDROOM!!!!" I bolted up the stairs and started checking the rooms I found the biggest one. I went back to the top of the stairs and grabbed my luggage. I bolted for the room when I got there I saw Zoey already unpacking. SHE.STOLE.MY.ROOM . "I guess I got here first" she said with a smirk, I left the room without speaking and went to the room next door.

I unpacked everything into my closet, before plonking myself on the king sized double bed. The bedsheets were white and felt comfy. Louis walked in with his suitcase, "Mind if I share the room?" he asked me. "Of course not" I replied.  He headed towards the closet and started unpacking his stuff, god there were alot of TOMS. When he finished he came and sat down next to me. "How you handling this?" he asked, what did he mean, "What do you mean babe?" I asked him worried. "You know the whole living with one direction thing" he replied, "It's fine, in fact it's kinda cool" I said admiring his eyes. "Ha..Well lets get back downstairs" He said before placing his lips against mine, I had butterflies in my stomach, wait was I in love??? No I'm too young. I thought. We walked downstairs to find Paul, Zoey and the boys all talking. "Ahh, Louis and Marni, glad you could join us." Paul said with a creepish grin. "We need to be at rehearsals in half an hour" Paul informed us all, "WHAT!" Louis yelled god he could be serious sometimes. "We have ONE more day off!" Louis finished, "Things change Louis, sorry man" Paul apologized. Louis crossed his arms and sat on the couch.

"Testing, Testing 1.2.3 TESTING!!!!!!!!!!!" Louis shouted into the non-turned on microphone. "Uhh Louis you might want to turn on the mic" Niall pointed out, "I knew that" Louis said with a wide grin on his face. "Ok boys, Harry you will have to serenade a girl from the audience tonight as it is a farewell concert before we leave London" Liam told us. I saw Harry flash an evil smirk at Zoey, oh no what is he thinking?

Zoey POV

"I already know who i'll pick" Harry replied to Liam and winked in my direction. Oh No holy mother of jeebuz, No WAY IN HELL! am I going up on that stage! I sat in my seat in front row and just glared at Harry, How dare he do this to me.

"HOW ARE YOU ALL DOING GUYS?" Liam yelled into the microphone as the crowd went wild! "How about we sing some SONGS?" Harry Yelled to the girls. Marni and i were in front row of section A at there concert. Marni and I joined in with all the screaming. Before they started the song I pulled out my phone and checked twitter I had so many followers, I checked some messages a lot of them were really nice ones but a few were telling me, they hate me. I ignored it as i took a pic of the boys and uploaded it. I shoved my phone in my pocket and continued screaming. They started singing I want, Taken, One Thing, I Should've kissed you and Moments. Throughout the songs I noticed Louis gazing at Marni, they really are a beautiful couple. As they started singing the last song What makes You Beautiful, I regretted coming. Harry gazed at me with a smile.

'Your insecure, don't know what for

Your turning heads when you walk through the door-or-or

Don't need makeup, to cover up

Being the way that you are is eno-ough

Everyone else in the room can see it

Everyone else but you-ou

Baby you light up my world like no body else

The way that you flip your hair get's me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know-ow-ow you don't know your beautiful'

The boys singing was Amazing, When Harrys solo came up he was told to pick a girl from the crowd. Please not me, Please not me, i prayed. He walked over to me on the stage and put his hand out. NOOOOOOO I HATE THE SPOTLIGHT!!!.

'Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell 

You don't know-oh-oh you don't know your beautiful-oh-oh thats what makes you beautiful.

He looked me in the eyes and leaned in and kissed me. It was the most passionate kiss we have ever had, I heard a few oohs and ahhhs. This was the best day of my life.

(A/N) Aww How Romantic!! Thank you guys soo muchxx I'm thinking of changing the name seeing no one will be jealous of anyone LOL that was my original plan but yeah... So comment some name suggestions and well yeah and I shall fan and dedicate you in chapter 10 :) so remember fan comment and vote :) xxx may the fluffy penguins guide you!

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