Chapter 17~4 Weeks later

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A/N Ok guys, Im NOT going to close my Wattpad account anymore :) Cuz I just LOVE you guys SO much :D So I think this story is too complicated and confusing. It was my first story so yeah. 

Oh and I have 21 chapters this story will be FINISHED! Im very sad to leave this story behind. Im not sure if I should do a sequel or no sequel and an epilouge??? TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS! I NEED this decision done by next chapter :) Thank you


Marni POV

4 Weeks later~

I woke up with a grogy feeling in my head. I saw Louis sleeping peacefully beside me. I sighed and ran my hand through his hair.

I got up but instantly felt queasy. I bolted towards the bathroom and pulled my hair back as I threw my guts up. I had been like this for the past few days.

I cleaned up my mess and took a warm shower as it was freezing.

Overall in the tour we had visited 13 countries around Europe.

I got changed into some Trackies and a hoodie that said 'Touch and Your Dead' on it. We couldn't have christmas on Chirstmas eve/day either because of the tour so we decided we would have it today.

I looked in the mirror and noticed my stomach was getting massive! I felt fat and ugly so I made sure to hide my stomach.

"MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS!" I shouted when i arrived into the lobby of the hotel. "Hi" "Merry Christmas" "YAY SHES FINALLY DOWN" Said different voices.

I noticed louis had come downstairs.

I grabbed all of the small envolopes out of my pocket and handed them to the 6 of them. They each opened it and saw it was a 300 dollar giftcard at Jack Wills.

Zoe ran over and gave me a huge hug.

As she let go i clutched my stomach and a scream escaped my lips.

"Marni. Whats wrong are you ok?" Louis asked me frantically. "Yeah..I'm, i'm ok..." I said trying to calm myself again.

"Louis go get her some water we are taking her to the hospital" Liam said.

Louis nodded before rushing off. I stood up straight but collapsed on the floor.

I felt someone pick me up over their shoulders. Zayn. I was put into a car with my head on Louis lap while he was cooing me. I don't remember anything else after that as I passed out.

I woke up to a beeping noise. Uh not again, I hate Hostpitals.

"MARNI!" Louis said as he ran over to me. He had massive bags under his eyes and looked really pale and stunk.

I Opened my arms and inhaled his scent. I loved it. I dunno why though. "Where are the Boys and Zo?" I asked him. "They went home for a bit." I nodded understandably.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked a nurse as she came in.

"Could I talk to you alone?" she asked. I nodded and louis left the room.

"Well This is really exciting news but really bad new at the same time" The nurse said. I braced my self.

"Congratulations Your 8 weeks pregnant!" she exclaimed. I stared at her in disbelief. I'm only 18! I was over the moon though.

"But. Due to your childhood past, the baby may not survive the birth" she said looking gutted. Those words sunk in 'Due to your childhood past, the baby may not survive' I gulped back the lump in my throat. I nodded. She smiled before leaving. Louis walked in.

"So do you know what's wrong?" he asked. The baby will survive, I know it. "Yes Papa Tomlinson" i smiled.


"HOW many weeks are you?" Zoey beamed with excitment. We were  sitting on the couch of the hotel with the boys.

"8 weeks and I'm having an ultrasound today" i said to her. She hugged me tightly. "IM GONNA BE AN AUNT!" She said before running around the room. I giggled at her enthusiasm.


Louis and I walked into the hostpital handin hand. I was so Nervous. I didn't know what to expect at my first ultrasound.

"Mr Tomlinson and Ms Smith" The receptionist said. We walked into the room and I layed down on the table.

"Hello guys. I'm Dr Fletcher and I will be your nurse today" Dr Fletcher said.

She took some blue gel into her hands and rubbed it onto my stomah. It tickled..ALOT.

Louis stood beside me noticing how I was trying not to laugh and chuckled.

The Dr put a scanner device on my stomach and moved it around.

"There" she said pointing towards the screen. I looked at it and saw a tiny little head. It was the most beautiful thing ever. "And there" She said point to another shape. WE WERE HAVING TWINS!

"Twins" I said to Louis who smiled. He leant down and kissed me gently.

"I love you" he said to me. "I love you too" I replied.

"Would you like to know the gender of your baby?" The Dr asked. I nodded. "Congratulations you are having....."

My 5 Crazy BoysOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant