Chapter 20~I love you

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  • Dedicated to All of my readers!

Marni POV

I snuggled deeper into Louis chest, listening to the beats of his heart. Although it had been nearly 4 weeks since We lost Christian and Sydney, I was coping. I would still have breakdowns at random times, so the boys and Zo were always careful around me.

  Lou's light snooring interupted me out of my thoughts. I looked over to see him in the most unnatural postition possible. I chuckled as I sat up and turned the Telly off.

I got up off the couch and made my way over to the kitchen. We were staying at the mansion the boys had gotten a few months ago but it seemed lonely with just us two and Niall. Well not so much with Niall. I made myself some jellybean toast.

Ok I know this wil sound very weird but I invented a meal that is toast with melted Jelly beans on it. It was delicious.

I finished my toast and washed up the bowl. I decided that I would leave Lou to do his thing and I would go shopping for tonight! I grabbed my cell phone and called Zoey.

"Hey Marni How are you?"

"I'm fine, Thanks for asking"

"Anyday Pickles"

"Wanna come shopping with me?"

"Sure! Sounds awesome, i'll be there in 5"

And with that she hung up. I had a few minutes so I decided I would call my mum. I haven't talked to her for almost 2 years. Infact I have completely forgotten about her. I dialed the number hoping she hadn't changed it.

"Hi, this is Amber speaking, i am not here at the moment so you know the drill"


"Uhh, Hi mum, this is Marni here. Long time no see I guess. Well when your free call me bye"

And I quickly hung up.

Since I left for the competition 2 years ago, my mum started getting really angry with me everytime I would call her. It reminded me of my father and what he did to Kirstie. I shook the thought away as I didn't want to bring up her.

I grabbed my wallet and phone and shoved them into my back pocket of my jeans. I walked out the door quietly to be met by Zoey tapping her foot inpatiently.

"C'mon, I had to steal Harry's car and if he found out i'm in dog doo!" She said pulling me into the black van.

We arrived a few minutes later at a shopping center where we got out of the car and headed for a store which zoey was dragging me off too.

I browsed through the racks at some pretty dresses but none of them caught my eye. I was having major fashion issues at the moment so i needed superclothes woman!

"ZOEY! I Need your help!" I yelled which made just about 60 pairs of eyes face me.

She came rushing to me while holding about a bilion T-Shirts. "What did you get!?" I exclaimed chuckling, one of the first times in weeks I might add.

"Hey! It's not my fault! They all looked so cute!" She squealed like a 5 year old. "Anyways, what did you need help with?". "Well I am trying to find the perfect dress for tonight!" I said in a duh tone.

She nodded and dumped her pile of clothes into my arms before running off. I had only just regained my balance when she came back holding something behind her back.

I dropped the clothes as she pulled out a beautiful dress. "Go on! Try it on!" She said getting all excited. I rushed off to the change rooms to try the dress on.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I normally hate dresses but I've got to say I looked SMEXY! The white upper half hugged my body tightly, While the floral skirt flowed around my thighs. I smiled to myself as I walked out to be met by Zoey with her chin on the floor.

"Close your mouth, flies may eat your stomach out" I said pointing to her. She closed her mouth and grinned. "You look Beautiful Marni! Louis is gonna love you!" She said linking my arms.

"Now go get changed cuz we are leaving" And with that she skipped off.

Louis POV

I put my tie on and did a double check. Wallet? Check. Keys? Check. Ring? Che- Crap I forgot it! I ran over to the book shelf and pulled out the encyclopedia.

Don't ask where we got it from, Liam gave it to me for my 20th birthday.

I grabbed the little blue velvet box and  put it inside my tux's pocket. As if right on cue the doorbell rang.

I walked over to the door and made sure I was ready, Again. I opened the door to see Marni standing there. She looked beautiful! I was lost for words.

"Hey" She said shyly. I smiled and leaned in and kissed her gently. This kiss wasn't hard and Forceful this one was slow, gently, filled with love. I gave my arm out and she took it. Today was going to be great.

We pulled up at a fancy restaurant which had booked for us. We walked in and sat down at the comfy looking table.

I ordered spagehtti Marni ordered some fancy chicken pasta. We ate with small talk and a few jokes. We walked out of the restaurant hand in hand.

The restaurant was right next to the beach so we walked down there and slipped our shoes off. I pulled her into a hug and nuzzled my face into her shoulder.

We stayed like that for a few minutes just enjoying each others company. I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled apart and got down on one knee.

"Marni, you are the most talented, beautful, smart, strong, amazing person I have ever met. You have been with me the whole way and I love you so much for that. You have never once let me down and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Marni will you marry me?"

A/N OMFG I am now crying! This story is officially over! I love this story somuch but it needed to come to an end! I am still notsure if I amgoingto do a sequelor not but I might! Also Sorry for the cliffhanger!!! If I don't do a sequel you shall never, ever, ever know the answer!! Haha :) Thank you too the people have stayed with me for the past 2 months! I love you all! xx


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