Chapter 10~I hate water...

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Marni POV

 I looked down and saw water dripping from my hair someone will wake up with one eyebrow tom morrow. "LIAM PAYNE! I SWEAR I WILL CUT OFF YOU NUGGETS AND MAIL THEM TO DANIELLE!" i yelled at the boy who was standing in the doorway with four other boys laughing their heads off. Zoey is one lucky woman, she got away without having a water bucket poured all over her. I stormed off towards the van that was waiting for us outside. I sat down. put my earphones in and turned the music up full blast. The rest of the gang piled into the car. Louis sat beside me on one side and Zayn on the other.

We arrived at the hotel paul had booked for us. It was a fairly decent place, not too fancy not to rubbish-like. We walked into a small hotel room, with three double beds, a living room, a small sized kitchen, a bathroom and a dining table. It was quite nice. I walked over to the bed and fell back onto it. I was about to ask someone for a glass of water when i remembered i was wet. shit . i jumped up and ran over to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. i started quickly drying myself, i turned around to get another towel for the bed when I nearly had a Heart attack. A girl about 14 was standing their wearing One direction everything, Crap a crazed fan. "BOYS! ZOEY HELP!" I yelled. Louis came running through the door, "are you okay babe we hear--- Who are you?" Louis said pointing towards the girl.

"Hi i'm Tammy, I am your BIGGEST FAN! can you lick my face?" she asked him. "Sorry Tammy but you need to get out of here right now" Louis told her sternly. "No, not until you lick MY face" she said, god she was a stubborn bitch. "Security!" louis yelled towards the door. Two mean in security uniforms came rushing in, They dragged the girl out while she was screaming. I kinda felt bad as I was one of those girls 2 weeks ago...

We sat down at the table and dug into our Chinese. It was probably the BEST Chinese dinner i have ever had! I sat in between Liam and Niall, oh how Liam won't know what hit him. "How can you eat so much and your a twig!" Harry exclaimed. i gave him a glare, 'I dunno" i shrugged, "Niall you might have a bit of competition this year!" Zayn chuckled. I smiled to myself before helping Zayn with the dishes.

After dinner we sat down and put a movie on. Of course it was Toy story 3. 2 bags of popcorn and 2 bottles of soda later. We all headed upstairs for bed, but of course i wasn't going to sleep, as i had a little trick up my sleeve.

It was 1:30am, and the boys had been asleep for 4 hours. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a razor, one of my thin pink hair extensions and super glue. I crept up to liam while he was sleeping, i carefully shaved his left eyebrow off untill a tiny little bit was left. i then applied the super glue to his eyebrow skin. I trimmed the hair extension strip and placed it on top of the super glue. Challenge Accomplished. I tiptoed back to louis and I's bed, tucked myself in and fell asleep.

I woke up felling happy and excited for the day. We had a concert tonight and rehersals starting at 2pm. i checked my phone and realised it was 9am. I shot up and bolted for the bathroom, Please no one be there, Please, please. Great the door was locked. I slowly walked over the the table where Liam was eating toast. I had forgotten about the Prank until now as I saw it where his eyebrow used to be. Payback is a Bitch. i sat down and grabbed a piece of toast. "Morning Li" i said to him trying to hide a laugh, but epically failed. i burst out into hysterics.

"What is it marni?" Liam asked me, before i could reply Zoey sat down next to me and started having a laughing fit. "You--r-e ey---e--brooo--ww" I managed to get out inbetween laughs. He shot up and ran to the closet Mirror. He screamed, "YOU, YOU, YOU EVIL YELLOW PERSON!" he yelled!. He tried ripping the hair extension off but he just started bleeding. i couldn't help myself I laughed harder as he tried to get it off. "What did you use to put it on?" Zoey asked me. "Super Glue, but i shaved his eyebrow off first" i smirked, which made us laugh harder.

Louis walked out in his PJ pants and was shirtless, it was really hard not to stare, so I kept on laughing. "Whats so funny?" Louis asked, I pointed at Liam. Louis fell to the ground and had a massive laughing fit. "NIALL, ZAYN, HARRY!" I called out inbetween laughs. "WHAT!" they all said in sync. "Look at Liam"i called back. they came rushing in and saw liam trying to get it off. They burst out into laughter. "who did this to you li?" Naill asked. Liam glared and pointed at me. I just sat there and laughed. When I had finished laughing i got up and tried to help Liam, but it wouldn't work. Just as i was about to give it one more go, paul came storming in. Oh shit.

(A/N) HEYYY THIS was really fun to write! The fluffy penguin named bob helped me XD. Remember comment, vote and FAN! xx MAY THE FLUFFY PENGUINS BE WITH YOU!

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