Chapter 19~ Stop Lying!

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Louis POV

We all sat in my car heading back home in silence. Marni sat in the back cradling Christian. I heard my phone ring and decided it would be ok to just answer it in case it was management.

I answered the phone to silence. "Hello? Hellooo?...Anybody there?" I hung up and put it back but as I sat up "LOU! STOP THE CAR!" Marni screamed I put the breaks on but it was too late.

The car had hit a light post. I struggled to regain my breathing pattern.

I looked around but to find myself surrounded in darkness. "Marni!, Marni..Are you ok?" I called out. No response. I tried unbuckling my seat belt but i wouldn't undo.

"Lo-u" I heard a faint voice call me. "Marni! Where are you?" I said desperately. "I-I'm fine. Call an ambulance" she said regaining her voice.

I grabbed m phone out but to find it smashed into pieces. "Are you sure your ok? what about christian?" I said to her again. She burst into sobs.

"Marni? What's wrong" I asked worriedly. "I-I can't find him!" she said. My mouth fell to the floor. "Don't worry..Help is on the way" I said to her while gripping my head which was throbbing really badly and probably bleeding.

"I'm sorry" I heard Marni Whisper before I blacked out to the sound of sirens.

My eyes opened in such a rush that the light blinded my brain..I think. I looked around in panic. I needed to know if Marni and Chris are ok.

"Hold up there sweetie. I'm just gonna check if your liquids are running correctly. You are very lucky to be alive" a nurse said to me while hooking up all of these drips. "How is Marni and Chris?" i asked her worriedly.

"The girl is fine. Just some broken bones but the child...I'm so sorry but he didn't make it" she said faking a sad expression. "What! No your mistaken! STOP LYING!" I screamed thrashing around and at that very moment Daddy Direction comes in.

"Lou! Stop it!, It's gonna be alright!" Liam said while trying to keep me calm. I start calming down a little. Tears flooding my face right now. "Lou listen to me. You will be ok, you will get through this, you always do" he said patting my back gently.

"I need to see her" I growled at the nurse who was standing there awkwardly. "I'm sorry sir but I can't as you are badly injured" she said in a relaxed voice. How can she be so relaxed! I lost Both of my children within a week! I nearly lost my girlfriend!

"SHE NEARLY DIED!" I yelled. Great now I was loosing my temper. Why couldn't the stupid retarded louis be around 24/7?

I closed my eyes and waited for myself to calm down. I couldn't break down. Not infront of the boys. I went to open my eyes but instead felt a sharp stab in my left arm.

I quickly opened my eyes to see a needle sticking out of me. "No..please" I whispered before I blacked out.

Marni POV

I tried to move my body but I couldn't. I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't. I heard some soft talking going on around me.

"Will she react as bad as Lou?" someone asked someone. I think Liam. "I have a feeling she will be worse. She has always been the sensitive type, especially with already loosing one" Zoeys voice filled my ears.

What do they mean How will i react?

I was struggling to stay awake in my head when I felt as if I huge amount of weight was lifted off me.

I tried once more to open my eyes and it worked. I was staring at a white ceiling above me.

"Marni! Are you ok?" Zoey said looking over at me. "What..happened?" I asked rubbed my head which was pounding and sitting up.

"You were in a car crash along with Louis and..and Christian" she stuttered the last bit out.

"Are they alright?!" I suddenly panicked "Lou is fine just a really unstable with his emotions" Liam said suddenly appearing. "But...Christian..I'm so sorry" Zoey said keeping her head low.

"What do you mean your sorry?" I asked confused.

Wait. It all made sense now.

"He's...not" I said as tears began to form in my eyes. "Yes..I'm so sorry Marni" she added. No..Not Christian as well! I can't loose both of them! " don't you dare lie to me" I spat trying to break free from the cords. 

 Liam and Zayn came over and stopped me from struggling. I started crying and really hard. "Shh it's gonna be alright, you and lou are one of the strongest couples I know. You will both get through this" Zoey said patting my back.

I didn't say anything but instead sobbed into my hands. I needed to see lou. I needed to see my boyfriend.

"We are going to grab you something to eat. Will you be alright here?" Liam asked me.

Now is my chance. I nodded in between crying. I heard footsteps shuffle out of the room. I looked up and wiped away my tears.

I ripped all of the tubes and cords off and out of me. I carefully stood up and made my way slowly across the small room.

I was really dizzy which didn't help at all.

I heard Zayn say something about Louis's room being room 5. Only two doors down from me.

I quickly shuffle walked my way to his room door which I quietly opened.

I stepped inside to see Lou looking at me with wide eyes.

"Lou" I croaked out before passing out on the floor.

 A/N I am SO sorry for not updating sooner. I have been quite busy latley well anyhoo I love you all so remember Vote, Fan and Comment!!!! xxx

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