Chapter 9 - Baby, please.

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I searched for Zayn, he was behind the boys toilets having a smoke. I snatched the cigarette out of his mouth. He didn’t yell, he just glared at me with wide, tear stained eyes.

“Zayn, I’m so sorry. I never meant for this – any of this in fact – to happen.” I pleaded for his forgiveness.

“I should’ve seen it coming. I was so scared of being alone that I didn’t consider the fact that she’s…” he didn’t finish his sentence. He stared at the ground.
I went up to him and hugged him. Things seemed to have started to light up, for me anyway. For Zayn it was just a whole new nightmare. I prepared him of what he was going to say to Delta when he breaks up with her, but there was no need. The video went viral and it was all over  Facebook.

First period started, and I wasn’t with Zayn. He’d told me though how Delta all of a sudden burst into the doors of his class room, with everyone including the teacher stared, as she cried and funnily enough, bitched about me and said how this whole situation was my fault and that she loved him. Before Zayn was able to make a word, he said that his teacher had kicked her out of class to see the school Chaplain.

It was now recess, and I met up with Zayn at the lockers. The locker bay consisted of buzzing murmurs, and I could guess what they were talking about.

“I need to talk to Delta before things get worse,” He said to me as we pushed ourselves out of the crowd of people. I didn’t really want Zayn talking to Delta since she was like marijuana; addictive and bad for you. But, what could I have expected? Zayn’s always trying to do the right thing. I squeezed his hand and wished him luck as he walked away and tapped Delta on the shoulder. I could only vaguely hear what they were saying.

Delta turned around, and her face seemed to have lightened up when she saw Zayn. 

“Zayn! Let me explain, look I am so sorry. This isn’t my fault, I’m so lost and I don’t know what to do. The only thing I know for sure is that I can’t live without you!” She pleaded.

“Delta…this changes everything. We can’t be together. And who knows what will happen to you…Mr Patron’s a teacher, you’re a student. It’s wrong. Our whole relationship was wrong.” Zayn said calmly. It seemed he was perfectly fine, but from the way he wouldn’t stop chewing on his lip he was dying inside.

“Zayn. Don’t say that. We can fix this.” Delta smiled a weak smile, with tears falling down her face. As she spoke her words she grabbed Zayn’s shoulders bringing him closer, she looked awfully desperate.

“We need to stop seeing each other.” With that, Zayn shrugged her hands off his shoulders, turned around and started walking. His head was low and Delta was in a trance, just looking past him.

I approached Zayn and put my arm around him, half hugging him. I buried my face in his chest and he leaned his chin on the top of my head. He wouldn’t cry, he’ll always try to be strong.

“You did the right thing, now come on. Let’s get some junk food, I’m starving.”

By the end of the day Zayn and I were walking home together. The whole day was so draining and dramatic. He was really quiet so I did most of the talking.

“I went to my mum’s house over the weekend, it was kind of boring and her boyfriend is a bitch. He called my fat, and then I threw up but then I went to the gym and the next day I threw up again but it was ok because it wasn’t that bad and then today I threw up and my dad told me to stop eating junk but I can’t help it because I love food and it’s like my best friend…” I babbled on about random stuff, barely taking a breath and pausing. Zayn didn’t say a word, he only laughed every now and again, but it sounded totally put on and forced.

“Are you free tonight?” he suddenly asked out of the blue.

“Um yeah. I guess so. Why?” I said.

“I was just wondering…do you want to grab a drink or something today? I really don’t want to stay at home and look at myself as my sisters run around the house screaming,” he joked. I was a bit surprised, but I agreed and he was going to come over and pick me up at 7. He didn’t say anything of where we were going or what we wearing going to do but I didn’t really care. Alone time with Zayn.

“I think I might go to the doctor’s today, I’ve been throwing up in the morning lately and I have no idea why,” I quickly said, changing the topic.

“That’s weird. Maybe it’s morning sickness,” Zayn joked. I forced out a laugh, but inside I started to panic. The rest of the walk was silent, and as Zayn split of to his own route my mind was racing.

How long was it since I slept with Josh? Three weeks. Surely I’m not pregnant; it was my first time you can’t get pregnant that easily. I was getting really scared, so I half walked-half jogged home. I got to the apartment, ran up the stairs to the 3rd floor I quickly threw the door open, chucked my bag on the ground and grabbed the phone to make a doctor’s appointment. My appointment was at 4, so I had another half an hour. I brushed my teeth and changed out of my uniform. I got a text from Zayn to wear something pretty tonight, but I quickly dismissed it and didn’t bother replying since the only thing racing through my mind was: AM I PREGNANT.

Within ten minutes I was practically power walking to the doctors. It was another 10 minute walked which meant I was 10 minutes early for the appointment. I waited impatiently in the waiting room until I finally had my name called.

“So miss, what’s the problem?” The doctor, who was about in his 40’s with thick glasses said to me as he invited me to his room.

“Well lately I’ve been throwing up in the morning,” I said as I took a seat in the chair opposite him.

“Hmm…well since I don’t have enough information, I want a urine sample.” He handed me a tiny little cup thing that had a lid. “Do you know what to do?” he asked. I felt embarrassed.

“Uh, yeah. Thanks.” I mumbled. I took contained and did my business. I came back to him a few minutes later and gave him my piss. This is so awkward, I thought.

He took my piss to another room where God knows what he was doing with it!! I was so anxious and scared and really hoped I was just sick or something. I held my tummy, and it grumbled. Oh man I’m so HUNGRY.

The doctor came back, hand me back my own pee and smiled, “Miss, you’re pregnant!” 

It Started With A Drunk Kiss (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction) [EDITING] COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora