Chapter 15 - Bonding

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Upstairs in the apartment, I started to pack the things I would need while I’m at Josh’s. I was looking through my pile of clothes and thought: In 2 or3 months I’ll start to get a baby bump. This means I will need a whole new wardrobe, which means even more money to spend. Then, when the baby is born I have to buy clothes, food, nappies, a crib and heaps more!

I was stressing myself out. This is what I mean. When I’m alone I have too much time to think and just bring problems to myself. After about an hour I had 2 giant bags filled with clothes and toiletries. I heard the door open and saw Dad walk in.

“Hi Dad, you’re early!” I observed.

“I know. I thought we could spend some time together since we’re probably not going to see each other for another two weeks! I’ve bought some popcorn and you can pick up 2 or 3 movies. What do ya say to that?” He cheered. I think a movie night it exactly what I needed right now; a getaway from reality.

“Sounds good!” I grinned.


After I went to the video store, I showed my dad the DVDs I rented out.

“Wow. You’re definitely into sad movies; The Titanic; My Sister’s Keeper; Romeo and Juliet and The Lucky One! You know we won’t be able to watch all of them? Especially since The Titanic goes on for like 3 hours,” he commented.

“Yeah I know, I couldn’t make up my mind so you can choose the ones you wanna watch,” I shrugged. After a few moments of him pondering, he chose ‘My Sister’s Keeper’ and ‘The Lucky One.’

The night went much better than I expected it to be. While we were watching the two movies I realized that my dad wasn’t over my mum. I don’t know how long they’ve been divorced for, but I know that he still loves her for sure. Every now and again during the movies he would say something like “I’ve been there with your mother”, “You’re mother and I used to laugh like that” and especially in ‘The Lucky One’ he even once said “When I was with your mother, we were happy like that.”

I wanted to ask him more about him and mum, but I felt like it would bring to many memories up and I wasn’t exactly that close with my dad. I think at one point during ‘My Sister’s Keeper’ he even had a tear in his eye.

When ‘The Lucky One’ ended it was time for him to drop me off at Josh’s house. The 40 minute drive felt so quick because we talked a lot about the movies, and he generally seemed interested in what was happening in my life.

When we arrived at Josh’s house Dad helped me carry my bags to the front door and he had a quick chat with Mr. Blakely. When I saw Josh he was in his tracky dacks and a loose fitting top which showed off his muscles on his tanned skin.

“Hey, bub!” Josh greeted me, as he kissed my forehead.

“Look at those two love birds! Aren’t they the most adorable things ever?” Mrs. Blakely sighed.

Mum, shh! You’re embarrassing.” Josh hissed.

“Ahh, young love!” My dad commented.

“Yeah, yeah whatever. You can go now Dad I’ll be fine,” I practically shoved him out of the house. “Love you! Take care! Bye daddy dear!” I called out as he got into the car. He smiled, and as he was backing out of the drive way he honked and waved.

“Now, Hope. We’ve got your bed set up. I think it would be best if you slept in a different room to Josh. You know, we don’t want any unwanted pregnancy or STD’s you never know!” Mrs Blakely whispered to me when we were walking up the stairs. I gulped.

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