Chapter 16 - Give Me Love

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I woke up Wednesday morning with a knocking on the door.

“Hope, dear! Breakfast is ready!”  It was Mrs Blakely. I rubbed my eyes and called out saying I’ll be there soon. I had a shower and popped a Morning Sickness Prevention pill in my mouth and swallowed it. I came down stairs wearing tracksuit pants and a blue, oversized jumper.

“Morning!” Everyone around the table called out. I could smell a waft of pancakes before I could see them.

“Morning everyone,” I yawned.

“Had a good sleep?” Mrs Blakely asked.

“Yeah, but I’m still exhausted for some reason,” I said.

I took a seat next to Josh and Mrs Blakely.

“Morning beautiful,” He greeted and kissed me on the forehead. My heart fluttered. Josh looked really beautiful with his messy brown bed hair and his freckles. He was in a loose t-shirt and although the look was very casual, he looked astounding.  

“Hehe morning,” I grinned at him. He passed an already ready plate with 2 pancakes rolled up with Nutella and sprinkles. “Ahh you know my taste,” I winked.

“Of course I do, you’re my girlfriend!” My insides inflated with warmth, and judging by the way he basically threw himself into the pancakes his insides we’re filling up with well, food.

After breakfast, I watched a recorded episode of “Home and Away” with Mrs Blakely. About half way through, Josh interrupted asking if I wanted to come for a jog with him. He was dressed in far too cold clothes for this weather and temperature. I looked at my stomach involuntarily, which reminded me I’d be getting a baby bump soon.

“No thanks I’ll pass,” I shrugged.

“No, I don’t think you will.” He held out his hand and I grabbed it and he pulled me out of my comfortable position. I grumbled and I got changed into leggings and a spray jacket. Once we had jogged maybe 300 metres we stopped.

“Are we gonna tell our parents your pregnant today or not?” He asked, shaking his head to get the hair off his face.  My heart skipped a beat. His face was already red from just running 300 metres and he just looked so innocent. I brushed his fringe away from his eyes.

“I don’t know. I’m scared.” 

He hugged me in a tight embrace.

“Me too. Here, use my phone and invite your parents over for dinner tonight and we’ll tell them together. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I’ll always stand behind you.”

He took out his phone (since I forgot to bring mine) and placed it in my head. I dialled my Mum’s number first. On the 4th ring she picked up.

“Hi Josh!” Mum said.

“Er, hi mum it’s me Hope.”

“Oh! Hello sweetie, what’s wrong?”

 I looked over at Josh and he blew me a kiss which made me stir and lose my trail of thought.

“I…uh…umm..I…”  I started to say.

“Yes?” Mum said on the other end.

“Oh. Josh and I wanted you to come over for dinner tonight,”

“Oh sure! I’ll just see when Jackson is finishing work-“

“Mum. Just you. Not Jackson.” I interfered.

“Oh. Okay. Yeah sure. I’ll come over at 7.” She was a bit surprised, but we said our good byes and then I called my Dad. The process was quite the same except I didn’t get distracted by Josh blowing me a kiss or anything. Dad agreed to come over at 7 as well, but I didn’t mention anything about Mum coming too.

It Started With A Drunk Kiss (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction) [EDITING] COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora