Chapter 17 - Acceptance and Rejection

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The rest of the week it was really awkward. Mr Blakely came back Thursday morning from where ever he went and he didn’t apologize for his actions; as a matter of fact he barely even looked at me. I hadn’t heard of Dad, and I was getting slightly worried. What happens at the end of school holidays? Will he kick me out? Will I have to move in with Mum and Jackson – and never see Zayn again? Remembering Zayn pained me. I never totally forgot about him.  Every time Josh squeezed me, hugged me, kissed or brushed my hair away from my face a little voice in my head would sigh and say “I wish that was Zayn instead.”

For about a week breakfast, lunch and dinners consisted of just Josh, Mrs Blakely and me. On Wednesday evening, 7 days after Josh and I had told our parents I was pregnant, Josh’s older brother Bradley showed up. Bradley was 24 years old and only a few months ago he had moved out. His bedroom became a spare room, which was the room where I was staying at.

“Hey Dope!” He grinned as he walked in through the front door. We used to be quite good friends, until he moved out and I barely heard of him. For as long as I remember dating Josh, Bradley had always called me ‘Dope.’

“Bradley! It’s so good to see you!” I went to hug him gently, but instead he pulled me into a massive bear hug.

“I heard you were preggers with my bro?” He asked me, “Well done Joshy, you scored a pretty one!” He gestured a thumbs up towards Josh and both him and I blushed.

“uh…if you’ll excuse me I need to go to the bathroom.” I said, escaping Bradley’s bear hug. As I was walking up the stairs I saw Josh pull Bradley to himself and whisper something in his ear. Bradley nodded contently and then walked over to Mr Blakely who was sitting on the couch watching tv.

At the dinner table everyone took their seats, even Mr Blakely.

“Ahem, if I can have everyone’s attention,” Mr Blakely said while tapping his spoon on the glass. “I just want to say after a few days pondering, I have come to accept that my son is the father of your child, Hope.” He announced. I was shocked. “I do not approve of your pregnancy, and I’m reluctant to support you, but Josh is my son. And perhaps one day you’ll be my daughter in law.” He looked me deeply in the eyes.

“Oh. Um. Thanks Mr Blakely, it really means a lot,” I said contently at him.

“Well isn’t this great! Family re-united!” Bradley beamed in his deep voice. He looked pretty much exactly like Josh, except bigger, broader, taller and he had freckles.

We ate dinner peacefully. Afterwards Bradley asked him if Josh and I wanted to join him on some clubbing Friday night.

“I don’t know…I can’t drink…” I said. It was true. I was pregnant, and last time I used fake ID cards to get some alcohol.

“Then don’t drink! Duh! It will be fun, come on!” He pressed forward.

“I’ll have to talk about it with Josh,”

“Ehh, he’ll be going. You know that party boy!”

I struggled to make a decision, but Bradley’s hopeful face tricked me into agreeing.


At 9pm I was dressed in a high-waist black skirt with a singlet, bright pink high heeled wedges, some jewellery and about half as much make up as Delta used to wear. I felt really self-conscious and quite nervous actually. Last time I went clubbing I met Zayn. My heart throbbed at the memory of our first kiss.  I shook my head getting rid of the image and the emotions that came with it.

It Started With A Drunk Kiss (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction) [EDITING] COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora