Character Introduction

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Hello! I decided to do a Character Summary to help you get into the story. You don't have to read this part, it's not essential but it just gives you a better visualisation and helps you better understand it. 

Setting: There are 2 main settings in ISWADK the first place being Hope's hometown where her mother, Lorrie & Josh live and the 2nd place where her father rents an apartment, where Zayn, Delta and Tin live and also where her NEW school is located. The two suburbs are about a 45 minute drive away from each other and I never actually gave either of them names. I don't also have a specific country on where this story is set. It's more Australia, but all up it's more of a world that was made up in my imagination! 

School: If you're not from Australia you'll be a little confused about the school setting and time table. In a year there are 4 terms which go on for about 10 weeks. Between each term there is a 2 week holiday break, then they start the new term. At the end of the year/start of the year there is a bigger holiday break which goes on for  6 weeks. Both of the schools Hope goes to they wear uniform.


Hope Thornton: (Main Character) 17 years old. Chocolate brown hair which is straight and just passed shoulder length. She has blue eyes and is average height and weight.  She's not exceptionally pretty,  but not ugly either. Her parents are divorced and she has no siblings.

Zayn Malik: (Main Character) 17 years old. I think we all know how Zayn looks like, yeah? He lives in a house with the rest of his family and is in the band One Direction which is not a worldwide band. Just a little garage band that does little gigs every so often.

Delta Canning: 17 years old.  She's got brunette hair that is long, straight and badly damaged. She wears a lot of make up, her nose is pierced and she's got brown eyes. She is Zayn's girlfriend. Her family is quite wealthy and Delta has an annoying voice.

Josh  Blakely: (Main Character)17 years old. Light brown almost golden hair which is about 4cm long. He has tanned skin and plays a lot of sport, there for he is very muscly. He has green eyes and has freckles all over his face. He is tall but skinny.

Lorrie: 17 years old. Hope's bestfriend. Lorrie has dark brown eyes, curly black hair and really dark skin. 

Bradley Blakely: Mid twenties. He is Bradley's brother. He has brown hair, no freckles and is more buff than Josh. 

Mariah & Jarrod Thornton: They are Hope's parents. They're divorced and live in seperate homes. Mariah has a boyfriend called Jackson and Jarrod is single. 

Mr & Mrs Blakely: Josh's parents. They're married and live in a house together with Josh.

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