Chapter 21 - Truth & Honesty

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“Hope, what are you on about?” Zayn asked.

“Well, you know that day in the last week of school you were looking for me?” I started. Zayn looked at me because he couldn’t see where I was going at. Remembering what I did and how I threatened that Asian boy to give birth because I was hiding from Zayn made me blush and I quickly changed my mind and decided not to tell Zayn as it was an embarrassing moment in my life. “Actually never mind. It’s a long story.”

“Hope.” Zayn cupped my face in both his hands and stared intently at me. I observed his face expression and his dark, perfect shaped eyebrows were knit together. His forehead wrinkled in confusion. His lips were pursed and he was doing that thing with his eyes were he stared directly with intensity which got me distracted, and made me say things before I even had the chance to think about it. “I was hiding from you and I told some Asian boy to hide me, and if he didn’t I threatened to give birth.” Oh shit, good one Hope, I thought to myself.

He let go off my face, looked down with a smug smile. He shoved his hands in his jeans pocket and as he looked up at me he had a pleased face on him.

“Wow. I really do have an effect on you, don’t I?” he said smugly. I rolled my eyes.

“If you looked at any girl the way you do you could make them do whatever you want.” I said in annoyance. He was always right, and his perfection was sometimes and irritation.

“What do you mean?” He said, still with a cocky grin on his face. I sighed and started to explain.

“I don’t know. You just look at them with your big brown eyes, flutter your eyelashes. You put them in some kind of trance and whenever you blink and just like…stare deeply at them you make them feel as if you and them are the only people in the world.” As I finished I just realized what I said. Once again I have managed to say something absolutely ridiculous, and I was saying stuff a girl with a boyfriend shouldn’t be saying!

“Them? Or just you?” He smirked.

“Oh my god. I’m leaving. You’re really cocky, did you know that?” I said in exasperation. I walked around him and headed to my locker. The bell just went and people were making their way to classes. Seeing the spray painted letters on my locker a second time didn’t die down the blow. I felt my face flush and the entire room stare at me. I tried to ignore as I entered my combo and got out my books but I still felt at unease.

After the first 2 periods of whispers, death stares and people coughing “slut” under their breath, it was finally recess. I went up to Tin to ask him about the guy that saw me at the library, but before I could say a word he blew up.


“TIN! Keep the volume down please? I need to talk to that boy whom I had that …. Encounter … or whatever you call it, at the library with,” I hissed.

“Oh yeah sure, follow me!” I followed him. We ended up in the library, by the exact same computer the guy was on last time I saw him. The memories made me blush, but I tried forgetting about them and I asked Tin to leave because I wanted to talk to the guy in private. Tin was reluctant but did as I told him.

“Hi. My name’s Hope. I’m pissed off. I think you know why. Do you?” I said pointing my finger at the guy on the computer. He blinked a couple of times but didn’t say a word. “What’s your name?”


“Did you tell Delta I was pregnant?”

“No. Well yes. At the end of lunch when I came out of the library Delta was waiting by the door. He asked me who you were and what happened. I think she thought I was Tin. She called me ‘Tin’ instead of Chen.” Chen seemed completely calm, as if nothing was wrong.

It Started With A Drunk Kiss (Zayn Malik Fan Fiction) [EDITING] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now