Chapter 13- So This is What Death Feels Like

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Chapter 13- So This is What Death Feels Like

There was a sudden jolt of pain stabbed on my thigh. I couldn't have been happier to receive that pain, whatever was in that needle was my drug; to keep me sane and living; back to normal or at least somewhat. I gasped loudly for air breathing heavily. I could feel my chest rise up and down rapidly. My hand slowly moved down to my leg rubbing the sore spot where I was injected.

There was a loud annoying noise, a ringing coming from somewhere that I was faintly aware of beside from all the screaming, shouting, and crying that was around. I felt a vibration of where my body laid and then someone picked me up and I was placed on something cushioned and soft.

"He-her lips are pu-purple and b-blue." Someone sobbed squeezing my hand, "Please tell me she's breathing again."

With any energy I had left I squeezed the hand back hearing a squeal and a loud shrieking sob. I felt kisses being planted on my face and my body being hoisted and driven off.

"Miss, what happen?" A husky deep voice asked. There was a bright light and I tried squinting my eyes away from it.  

"I- I don't know. She's allergic t-to nuts bu-but we don't have any nuts." The sob cried out again.

"We'll learn more back at the hospital. Ma'am, everything is going to be alright. She's responding well to the epinephrine." The husky voice assured to the sobbing lady.

"Oh thank God." she cried out again kissing me. Who was going to be alright? Me? But- but- how? I felt a little pinching in my arms and I squirmed wincing at the feeling.


My heavy eyelids snapped opened listening to the sound of the annoying beeping noise. I winced at the sudden contact of light and rubbed my eyes. My arm was being restricted and when I looked down two clear tubs were connected to my arms and to a machine.

Where am I? What the hell happened?

My mouth was dry and my lips were cracked. My tongue felt too big for my mouth and I saw the room turning upside down. Everything made me feel dizzy.

I heard a door open the moment I let my eyes close. I felt someone's present by and I slowly opened my eyes to reveal someone sitting in a chair next to me with their head bowed down on the mattress.

"Mom." My voiced cracked into a whisper. A single tear streamed down my face feeling scared, something was wrong, and I was freaking scared for my life.

"Brooklyn! Oh my baby. Oh thank you God. Thank you Jesus!" She chanted kissing my cheeks and forehead.

"Mom where am I?" I moaned.

"Oh baby, you’re in the hospital. You had a peanut reaction." She cried brushing my hair out of my eyes.

"What?" How do I not remember that? I tried thinking but nothing came up.

"I came home and I saw Nathan crouching over your body. He held your Epipen in his hands and he was fumbling around not knowing what to do. And then I saw you and your lips were purple... I thought you were dead." She cried out again. And that's when I remembered. The hysterical crying and sobbing, the loud annoying ringing. It was my mother crying and the ringing was coming from the ambulance.

A nurse came from the door with a tray and water, "Here you go sweetie. Take these to keep down the swelling of your tongue." I took the drugs thankfully trying hard to keep them behind my tongue to swallow them.

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