Jealousy {G.L.} (c)

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Fandom: BBC Sherlock

Character: Gregory Lestrade

Synopsis: teenlock AU. Sherlock asks the reader to help get Irene off his back by pretending to be his girlfriend but gets the reader's long-time crush, Greg, jealous.

"Please, (Y/N)? Just for today!" Sherlock pleaded, giving you puppy-dog eyes. You caved, knowing you can never resist the puppy-dog eyes, just as Sherlock did.

"Fine. But only for today!" You promised, and Sherlock nodded enthusiastically.

"Thank you! Irene was getting annoying, always pushing herself on me. I don't think she understands that I broke up with her for John," Sherlock shrugged. "No matter now, though. Even though John and I aren't 'out' yet, it doesn't mean that I don't love him. I already explained the plan to him, and he can't wait to see the look on Irene's face. She's always been jealous of you, I hope you know." You looked at the curly haired boy in shock.

"Irene Adler, cheerleader captain, and popular girl extraordinaire, jealous of me?" You said in disbelief, not believing him. Sherlock nodded adamantly.

"Oh yeah, completely jealous. One of the reasons I broke up with her, actually. She was pissed that you had Greg's attention so completely that she couldn't seduce him, or something like that," Sherlock waved a hand in dismissal, ignoring your dumbfounded stare. "Doesn't matter. Now hush, she's coming!" At that, you grabbed Sherlock's hand and pretended to giggle at something he said.

"You did not! Sherlock, you bad boy!" You smiled fakely. Sherlock played along, leaning across the small table at you, squeezing your hand.

"Believe it, (Y/N), because it's completely true. Oh, you should've seen her face! Priceless!" Sherlock laughed, and you did too, discreetly looking behind you to see a fuming Irene standing there, hands clenched into fists. Gathering what pride she could, Irene stormed over to you and Sherlock, attempting to put a flirty smile on her face, ignoring you in favor of Sherlock.

"Sherlock, love! I didn't know you would be here!" She cooed, putting a perfectly manicured hand on his shoulder. Sherlock shook it off in disgust.

"Irene, we broke up, and I'm with (Y/N) right now, so if you could leave-" Sherlock stated factually, and at his words, a big crash sounded, and everyone turned to look at Greg Lestrade, who had dropped his mug of coffee. Apologizing sheepishly to the owner of the small diner, Greg attempted to pick it up, and when he deemed it clean enough, he turned towards you in shock.

"What?" He screeched. You looked at him helplessly, and then at Sherlock, who was trying to assess the situation. Before you could say anything, however, Greg was already walking out the door, leaving you behind feeling heartbroken and guilty. You pleaded at Sherlock with your eyes, who sighed and gestured for you to follow him, which you did, running after Greg and almost falling on your face in your rush. As Sherlock went to face Irene's smug face, someone else joined the small table: John Watson, Sherlock's boyfriend. With a grin, Sherlock created a new plan.

"Greg, wait!" You called out, trying to stop him before he got on his motorcycle. "Let me explain!"

"Explain what? That you're with that Holmes bloke? I don't think you have anything to explain," he snapped back, putting on his helmet. As you ran those last few feet, you looked at his annoyed expression before doing something extremely stupid and possibly embarrassing. You kissed him, straight on the lips. In his shock, Greg pulled away quickly, even though it had been exactly what he had wanted for a while now. In embarrassment, you blushed bright red and went to walk away before Greg moved forward to capture your lips in another kiss, this one more passionate, and he turned you around so that your back was pressed against his motorcycle. The kiss took your breath away, not only because it had taken you by surprise, but because of how gentle it was- as if Greg was trying hard not to push you too far. To his surprise, and happiness, you grabbed his shirt jacket and kissed him back harder, making him bring his hands up to cup your face.

"And that, Irene, is why I broke up with you," Sherlock concluded, holding a finger up in emphasis as John watched him with a soft smile. Irene just stood there, looking extremely offended, as if she couldn't wrap her head around his explanation.

"But- you- him? You left me for him?" She scowled, looking at John in disgust. Sherlock jumped up from his seat, eyes ablaze.

"I think it's time for you to go, Irene," Sherlock hissed through his teeth. Once again, Irene had an offended look on her face. Instead of arguing, though, Irene picked up whatever pride she had left and sauntered away, making Sherlock sigh in relief. Sitting back down, he smiled at John. "Now that that's over, we should go get (Y/N) before she and Greg get at it right outside." John looked surprised before smiling.

"So they're finally getting together then?" He asked, smiling when Sherlock nodded in confirmation. "It's about bloody time."

"Definitely. Now let's hurry up, they've been alone too long," Sherlock said, and they two picked up their pace, moving quickly to the front door of the diner, bracing themselves for what sight might await them.

"Greg," you said after you two had broken apart. "Sherlock will be coming out soon." At your words, Greg scowled and moved back, arms crossed. Your eyes widened before you realized what was going on. "Oh," you mumbled. "Greg, we're not-"

"Dating. We're not dating. Sorry, (Y/N)," Sherlock finished your sentence with a teasing grin making you sigh in frustration as Greg turned to face the tall boy, face showing nothing but anger.

"What the hell d'you mean?" He demanded, glaring at Sherlock as he grabbed John's hand.

"Exactly what I said. (Y/N) and I were never dating, it was just a trick to get Irene off my back," Sherlock clarified, not understanding why you suddenly looked so angry.

"You knew this would happen, didn't you?" You asked calmly, making Greg turn to you with wide eyes. "You knew Greg would be at the diner during that time, and that he would get jealous, and that I would go after him. Sherlock Holmes, I should be very upset with you!"

"But you're not," Sherlock said smugly. You grinned then.

"No, I'm really not. Greg, we should leave before John starts snogging the stuffing out of Sherlock. He's giving him those eyes," you teased the short man, who was currently drooling over Sherlock. With a slightly confused look, Greg went towards his bike with you following behind, smiling as the two of you took off, ready to face whatever came next.

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