remembering {c.d.} (c)

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character: captain marvel (carol danvers)
fandom: marvel cinematic universe (captain marvel specifically)

it was just flashes of lights. just bits and pieces of scattered memories. a soft smile, bright eyes. it was the same person each time, an unknown woman, yet so achingly familiar that carol wondered what she was missing. she remembered everything that had ever happened to her; the kree, the skrull war, mar-vell and her team, all of it.

everything except her.

who was she? and why was she so familiar?

carol felt as though she should remember her, as if in another life she had meant something to her.

but that was ridiculous. a kree can't have attachments. it would distract from their entire purpose. and yet... carol knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that this mystery woman meant something to her.

all she needed to find out was who she is, and why she couldn't remember her fully. and that opportunity would come in the form of nick fury and SHIELD. she had never been more thankful to crash land on a planet then that moment.

because nick fury told her he had answers. nick fury told her he had the tools to find this woman.

the single, burning question stuck on her mind would finally be answered, and with it, hopefully a sense of peace. something that could answer why she forgot this one person out of everything, and why everything suddenly felt like a lie.

and maybe, just maybe, she could figure out who she truly was, and where her place in the universe was meant to be.

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