Innocence {N.R.} (c)

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Fandom: MCU (Avengers specifically)

Character: Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

Note: this is meant to be a female reader. I might rewrite it as gender neutral or male, but probably not. This is also shorter than I normally do. Sorry!

Warning: fluff, because all the one shots I see of Nat are always depressing, and she deserves some love.

Nat watched as you gathered flowers with a smile gracing your features. She would never understand how you could be so optimistic in a world that's only ever wronged you. As you started looping them together to make a crown, she made her way over, ignoring the pouts of her teammates that she was leaving, smiling brightly.

"I'll never understand how you make those," she said with a laugh as you expertly connected the flowers.

"It's not hard," you shrug, laughing as Nat looked skeptical. "Really. I'll teach you some time, Tasha."

"Me?" She said incredulously. "You'll teach me to make a flower crown?"

You laughed at her, shaking your head at her teasing voice. "Well, if you prove yourself worthy- only the best can learn, you know."

"Oh, I know," Nat laughed freely as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder, making your smile even brighter.

The day you met Natasha was one you'd like to forget, in all honesty. Not because of her, never because of her, but because of what had happened prior to meeting. You had just been kicked out of your home after telling your parents that you liked girls, hoping that they would love you enough to accept it; but you were wrong.

"First you need to choose which flowers you want." You looked around, finding a nice patch with bright yellow flowers. "Then you pick a couple handfuls and lay them down on the ground to see if they'll work." Natasha did as you said, walking towards the patch you had noticed earlier.

"What do you think they're doing?" Clint asked as he watched you and Nat pick flowers and chat.

Tony shrugged. "Couldn't say. But I would guess talking shit about us."

"What makes you say that?" Steve frowned. Tony and Clint looked at him in disbelief. "What?"

"Cap, have you even met Natasha?" Tony asked rhetorically.

Steve rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Of course I have."

"Then why ask such a stupid question?" Clint snickered while Cap glared at Tony before moving towards Sam, knowing that if anything, he would be a nice change of attitude compared to those two.

"Did I do it right?" Nat asked with a grin as she showed you her creation. Albeit a bit lopsided, she had done a decent job for her first time, and you smiled and clapped cheerfully for her.

"Excellent, really," you said happily. "My first one looked like I had just picked up weeds and tied them together against their will."

Nat laughed. "There's no way that happened. Yours are too perfect."

"It took lots of practice, trust me," you responded, giggling. "Now, let's see how they look on us." You took the crown from her hands and placed it on her head, instantly loving how it looked. She did the same with you, placing it on your head and then moving back to look at it, only to adjust the crown as though to make it look better, repeating the process with a mock-serious look on her face before you started giggling.

"There, now it's perfect," she declared, smiling brightly. You nodded in agreement with a huge smile.

"They made flower crowns," Clint said in disbelief. Tony sat up from his position in his chair and lowered his sunglasses, looking at Clint in shock.

"What?" He said, a shit-eating grin on his face. "Natasha Romanoff, feared assassin and a wanted person in multiple countries made a flower crown with her girlfriend?"

Clint nodded in affirmation. "Appears so. Man, Laura is gonna get a kick outta this."

"Who's Laura?" Bucky asks as he joins in on the conversation, getting away from Sam and Steve for a bit. He can only handle so much stupidity at a time.

"Barton's wife," Tony said by way of explanation. "Though I'm not sure how he managed to nail her." He didn't seem to see Clint's glare, but for all Clint knew he could've just ignored it.

"Uh," Bucky said, clearing his throat to try and clear the awkwardness that had happened, "I'm gonna go tell them that we have food."

Clint's head snapped up to face Bucky's. "We have food?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "Burgers and hotdogs. Good picnic food." Clint took off into a run, racing towards where he assumed the food was, as smoke was coming out of a barbecue a few yards away. Bucky shook his head and started making his way over to the two women, not wanting to interrupt but also not wanting to be the reason that you two missed lunch.

"Hey, Buck," you said as you noticed the super soldier walk towards you. Bucky gave you a smile and a nod before getting straight to business.

"We have food, but I'm pretty sure that Barton's gonna eat it all if you don't hurry." With that, he left to hustle towards the food, his job done. Nat turned to face you, you copying her movements and simultaneously deciding what to do together. In one smooth motion, Nat bent down so that you could climb onto her back for a piggy-back ride, knowing that this was the only way to get there fast enough to get food. You laughed and held on as she raced toward the rest of the team, ignoring the stares of the other people in the park, not caring what they thought because you had everything you needed right here.

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