consequences {l.l.} (c)

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Dirty tissues, trust issues. Glasses on the sink, they didn't fix you.

You were warned. By the gods, were you warned. But what you felt couldn't be abated or stopped. It was hot, and deep, and beautiful. You couldn't stop seeing him, dreaming of him.

Lonely pillows in a stranger's bed. Little voices in my head. Secret keeping, stop the bleeding.

He was everything you didn't know you needed. Seeing him for the first time was like taking a deep breath of air after drowning. He was beautiful, he was lovely, he was him. And he was all you wanted, all you needed.

Lost a little weight because I wasn't eating. All the souls that I can't listen to, to tell the truth.

He wasn't perfect, but neither were you; but to each other, there could be no wrong. Or so you thought.

You were warned, but you just didn't listen. Odin, why didn't you listen?

Loving you was young, and wild, and free. Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet.

Even after all the pain he brought upon you, your thoughts still went to those passionate nights of loving each other, of cuddling sweetly, of making each other's pain go away. He was truly your everything, and you thought you were his everything, and that was all you needed. Just your love to combat the evil the world wrought in you.

Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound. A steady place to let down my defenses. But loving you had consequences.

He was your everything, but you were his nothing. You learned too late of what his heart desired, and it wasn't you. He only yearned for power and prominence, while all you wanted was a true love, a perfect love, to make up for all the bad ones.

You thought it would be him, thought he could fill the void in your heart- and he did, for a time. Before he changed. Before you changed.

Hesitation, awkward conversation. Running on low expectation. Every siren that I was ignoring I'm payin' for it.

"My darling," he would sing in your ear, "I will not see you until late tonight. I have some business in the palace to attend to."

You frowned, but hid it. "What business, my love?"

"If I wanted you to know I would have told you, hm?" He snarled back quickly. You curled into yourself a bit.

"Yes, of course," you agreed. "My mistake."

His face softened. "I'm sorry, my darling, I am just stressed. It won't happen again."

It won't happen again. Those were empty words with no meaning. It happened plenty after that first time, you were just too smitten to see the signs that were right in front of you.

Now you're weak, and pathetic, and dumb, and-

"(Y/N), can you hear me?"

That voice, you know that voice.

"My darling, my love, are you there?"

It was his voice, that silky, deep voice... but from where? He was gone, nowhere near you- Thor had made sure of that once he had learned of what happened.

Loving you was young, and wild, and free. Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet. Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound. A steady place to let down my defenses.

It was like you had gone back in time. There he stood, your love, but not how you had last seen him, hair long and slicked back, but it was unruly, and his eyes were emptier, somehow, and... Your own eyes softened.

"My love," you murmured softly, taking a step towards him. You didn't even see the snide smirk on his face or the staff in his hands. "You've returned, but... what of your brother? If he saw you here, he would-"

"Hush, my love. There is no need to panic." He, too, took a step forward.

You reached out a hand, needing to touch him, to see if he was real. You closed the small distance between you, in which he held out the staff and put the tip on your heart.

"What-" You breathed, before your stance relaxed and a dopey smile overtook your face.

Loki grinned hugely. "Now you are truly mine, my love."

But loving you had consequences. Loving you was dumb, dark and cheap. Loving you still takes shots at me.

You didn't know what you were doing, only that you were with him, and that that was all that mattered.

But if that was the case, why did you feel so... odd? Why did you feel as though you weren't yourself? You were, because Loki was there, and he was all you needed, so why were you-

"What are you thinking about, darling?" His hooded eyes were shining.

"I do not feel like myself," you told him honestly. You could never lie to him.

At once, his eyes turned dark. "And how long has this been going on, darling?" He spat.

"A few days, my dearest," you replied. He snarled.

"That just will not do, don't you think, my darling?" He gave you a sad look. "Do you not care for me, dearest? Do you not... love me anymore?" You were hurt by his tone.

"No, my darling, I could never! I-I don't know why I'm having these thoughts- please, make them go away. I-I do not want you to be mad at me, I cannot handle that!" You were so busy fretting that you didn't see Loki's smirk return.

"Of course, my love. I always do what you ask of me."

Found loving you was sunshine, but then it poured. And I lost so much more than my senses. 'Cause loving you had consequences. Loving you...

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