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So, this was a request by my lovely wifey/twin/sister/best friend, @emmyisphantrash. Thank you for being amazing and supportive <3 love you tons.


Emma Jane Little-Beck knew what she wanted. She wanted to become Hogwarts's first (and hopefully not last) choir teacher. She had heard horror stories from her Mum about the state of it, and from what she had heard it was a mess.

To reach her goal, she had a plan: go to Hogwarts, join the choir, start fixing the choir, then after she's graduated, ask Dumbledore to be a teacher. It would've been possible if she hadn't been in Harry Potter's year.


Sorted into Hufflepuff, her first year seemed off to a good start. She did well in her classes and joined the choir (though not officially- first years weren't allowed).

There was the incident with a troll smashing through the school and damaging the old classroom that the choir practised in, but she wasn't about to let that detour her.


Her second year was a mess. A giant, whopping mess. Muggle-borns were getting petrified (thank Merlin she was a half-blood), and even worse- teachers had to guide them from place to place, and since so few people were in the choir, her practise/fixing time severely lessened. She didn't let this stop her, however, as she quickly came up with a solution: practising in the Hufflepuff common room. Of the ten-or-so members, five of them (including Emma) were in the choir, so Emma was able to practise her techniques and improve while also helping to improve the choir itself.

It was a good idea... except for the fact that many Hufflepuffs were Muggle-born, so the common room was full of nervous Hufflepuffs, which meant that the usually quiet room was always bustling with movement, something that did not help Emma.


In her third year, she started to notice a pattern. First year it was a troll, second year it was petrifications, and third year it was dementors and escaped convicts. To the bystander, those events might seem unrelated, but to Emma, one thing held those events together: Harry Potter.

When Black broke in and everyone spent the night in the Great Hall, interrupting Emma's much-needed practise time, she spent the first few hours cursing under her breath and shooting glares at Potter.

Unfortunately, he didn't notice.


Emma thought her fourth year would be a gap year, that maybe nothing would happen, but to her dismay, on the first night back Dumbledore announced that the Triwizard tournament was to take place. She started crying.

Potter was going to take it over somehow, someway. She just knew.

And she was right.

The only good thing to come out of her fourth year was that she met a certain Ravenclaw that made her want to forget about her goal of fixing the choir and becoming a teacher. Luna Lovegood sure was going to be an obstacle, and one Emma wasn't quite sure she wanted to overcome.


Fifth year brought an end to all clubs, including the nearly desolate choir, all because of that toad Umbridge. Emma honestly didn't have a problem with her until she took away the one thing she wanted most in the world. Thankfully, she still had Luna. Umbridge had, of course, made a rule separating boys and girls, but didn't make one regarding the same gender, so Emma and Luna were able to get closer than ever.

She joined the D.A. because although she didn't like Potter, she wanted to be able to defend herself- even if she was just in the background didn't mean that she wouldn't be in danger. One of the kids in the choir had a Death Eater parent, and just because she was close to them didn't mean she was safe.

She imagined that Potter was the one she was hexing, not Cho Chang.

By the end of the year, even trying to sing in her dorm was near-impossible. Instead of just cursing Potter, Emma added Dumbledore in there too, because when he left everything went to shit.

It was still mostly Potter's fault though.


Sixth year was when she started teaching younger students who were interested in music. It was a great way for her to gain experience while also showing off to Dumbledore for later.

But Potter just had to fuck it up.

Everything was fine until the Death Eater attack and Dumbledore was killed. Honestly, Emma had had enough.

This was the worst fucking school, how in the world was it still in business?

Thankfully Luna was still there to help her cope.


Some of the students were calling it "The Final Battle". It was a load of hogwash to Emma, but it didn't matter. Students were rallying to fight, and if Luna didn't make it she was going to be pissed.

Fucking Potter. She swore he wanted her to not be happy because it's his fault all this shit was happening.

She was standing in the entryway of the Slytherin common room, ushering in the younger students who couldn't evacuate in time when she saw him.


The boy turned, startled. "Um- Emma, right? We're sort of busy here-"

She grabbed the collar of his shirt and moved him so that he was eye level with her. "If Luna doesn't make it out of this alive, it'll be entirely your fault and I'm going to hurt you."

She dropped him and went back to her duty, leaving him to do whatever it was that he needed to. She had to fight this fucking war so she could get back to her goddamn girlfriend. Oh, and her dream, of course.


She had to wait until the castle was rebuilt.

Fucking Potter.

At least she was married to the best witch out there whom she could rant to about Potter and his life-ruining persona.

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